Don't Close your Eyes

Started by MrBud, October 28, 2014, 09:39:10 AM


Late last night I went out to the city...
Wearing my hat,hope i look so pretty..!
I can't believe we live here in space,,
I hope to God
,he'll make us his way.

Late last night I went out to the country--
Wearing my hat,hope i look SO pretty...!
I can't believe we live here in Space...
I hope to God he plays out his ways----

Don't close your eyes,cause you heart may open wide..
Don't close your eyes, cause the days might just fly by...
Don't close your eyes..

Late last night I went out to the city...
Wearing my hat,hope i look so pretty..!
I can't believe we live here in space,,
i don't believe that God has his way..

Don't close your eyes,cause the days might just fly by..
Don't close your eyes,,cause your heart my open wide..

Don't close your eyes,cause your heart may open wide..
Don't close your eyes,cause the days might just fly by..
Don't close your eyes...
[biting lead part ;] ]                Don't close your eyes,cause your heart may open wide..
Don't close your eyes,cause the days might just fly by..
Don't close your eyes...
[wash ,rinse,repeat lyrics,,,,,]   The End :]   

Up And Adam

T.C. Elliott

Another roots rock, classic sounding song. Fits in nicely with what I like to listen to.
I'm not a huge fan of BIG reverb, but this sounds like a live recording more than an effect that's been slapped on a recording. In other words, it sounds real. Which works for me. And fits the song and performance.
Boss BR-900
Dead Ambassadors Bandcamp Page

T.C. Elliott Bandcamp Page

"You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." — Jack London


Just wanted to say my highest count so far----- thank's so very much--means a bunch.
Up And Adam