Matchbox - A Hook and Bruno Original

Started by bruno, October 19, 2014, 07:43:59 AM


Track 59 - Matchbox
Thanks Brother as always. Inspired lyrics.
Quite hard to mix, so much sound with this Kemper. Really hard to get the vocals punch through.
Hope you like.

Woke up this morning
my head feels full of sand
no recollection
just a matchbox in my hand
Inside this box of cardboard
One match resides
carefully split into
As if this act could save my life

Don't know how I got here
not really sure where here is
Can't confirm much
but I think that you're a part of this
If I strike one half
setting fire to all my see
I'll save the other half
for you to set fire to me

Woke up this morning
my head feels Full of sand
No recollection
just a matchbox in my hand
Inside the box of cardboard
half a match lies
With a note on a small scrap of paper
That says "last time"

Don't know how I got here
not really sure where here is
Can't confirm much
but I think that you're a part of this
And if I strike this match
And set fire to all I see
There won't be another chance
Until the flames finally consume me

Boss BR-1600


I knew this was going to be good. I love it all, but that bass steals the show for me. Great playing.



A real Funky Rocker.
Sick ass drums and I really dig them vocals.
Awesome guitar work through out. I'd love to hear the lead part moved around a bit, it seems to be panned to the right, for the duration.
The sound of it is sweet as hell.
Kemper kicks ass. (The sky is the limit for you and that thing, eh Bruno?)
Boss BR-600


Thanks for the  kind comments. Have having lots of fun with the Kemper beast. Hook always delivers the goods and then some. Hopefully with this device, we can write a whole bunch of new tunes for MET 2015 :-)

Expensive, hell yeah, worth every penny, hell yeah! These are the sounds I could only dream of before. Nelson, you are right, the sky is the limit. As a great amp will change your playing, this thing does that.

Nelson - you are spot on with the lead movement. Will do that if I remix. Cheers for pointing that out.

Have bought a few amps from the amp factory online. These are profiled by a pro engineer, in a pro studio with pro equipment. Given that you can't tell the difference between the Kemper and the source when A/B'd, its like recording in a pro studio all of the time. In fact, the amp factory have profiled Dave Gilmour's amp used on Dark Side of the Moon, so for £5, you can sound just like Dave (well almost :-) ) - how friggin cool is that. £5 does not qualify as GAS, and I'm completely cured. Sorry guys, I'm whittering, I'm like a kid with a new toy ..... actually I am a kid with a new toy :-)

Boss BR-1600


Wow, I love it. The bass is awesome. Great collab guys.
Boss BR-800


Brother, it sounds really good. I must have messed up my levels on the 2nd vocal because it's just to low, I had the same problem when I mixed the rough I made. I'd like to redo with my condenser but I'm not sure when I will get a chance. The track you made though is just outstanding, you are the bomb brother & it's always good to get a track from you.
Bring it On!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


Hey Brother - the levels are quite low on the vocals - one was really quiet on the second verse (or chorus can't remember which), I tried all sorts to boost it - including compression - but it didn't sound great. And then I realized that the lead was too overbearing. If you want to redo the vocal at some point, let me know, I can send you the track minus the lead, and then I'll redo the lead with the vocals in place. I think it needs more space for the vocals and I think that is root cause - I was getting too carried away with my new toy. Every day is a school day :-)
Boss BR-1600


Oh yeah !!

Total kick a$$ tune !!!

WOW !!!!
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........


Great Collab.......

Its a Cracker.............

Well done to you both..........Alex

Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

If I had known i was going to be this thirsty this morning I'd of had another Beer last night...


Great collab gents. Cool lead guitar playing, rock on!
"The universe is a million billion light-years wide, and every inch of it would kill you if you went there. This is the position of the universe with regards to human life." ― Martin Amis
