"Plastic Passion" Hook covers The Cure for PeelFest

Started by Hook, September 19, 2014, 07:47:59 PM

Pete C

Nice cover Hook - I like the Cure so its a good choice in my books!

Seeing you're up to D I must get cracking with my next one as its an E and I've a nasty feeling you might go for the same song !

Keep 'em coming - they're always a joy to hear.

Boss BR-600
Boss BR-800

kenny mac

Can't fault this,it's a belter.
 Mr smith was a very underrated guitar player and seemingly live was an absolutely incredible player.
Nice one again hook.


Funnily enough I was listening to the Boys Don't Cry album last night with half an ear towards a cover candidate. 

Love this version.

OTD bump
Overdrive - Distortion - Hyperactivity
Yesterdays shatter, tomorrows don't matter