The screaming the pain and the mayhem (Live in the cellar)

Started by thetworegs, September 07, 2014, 06:09:09 AM


WarSongs (banner image missing)

A song in honor of my Grandad Benny.......who survived the 1st world war and lived to the ripe old age of 96........but never forgot the friends he lost.......Sang Live with Rapunzle in the cellar apart from the backing vocals.

it was the 28th July 1914
and nobody could envisage such a scene
six assassins came to kill him dead
the archduke Ferdinand would not die in his bed
millions would die for this one act
as the bullet cracked in the side of his headLive apart from the backing vocals

The screaming the pain and the mayhem
The screaming the pain and the mayhem

news spread out around the world
the war was declared that would end all wars
Benny lived in a farmhouse on top of the hill
with no idea what was coming to him
the newspapers shouted that the country needs you
and like a good citizen he joined the queue

The screaming the pain and the mayhem
The screaming the pain and the mayhem

basic training was taken on with a smile
the bayonets were clipped the sacks were stabbed with style
the men still had no idea what was coming to them
the screaming the pain the mayhem

The screaming the pain and the mayhem

loaded on a ship like lambs to the slaughter
the ship pulled out the harbor onto rough water
it wasn't long before they debarked into the night
singing brave songs and ready for the fight
they felt like they belonged right there
they thought protecting king and country from the Hun would be fun

The screaming the pain and the mayhem
The screaming the pain and the mayhem

a week from then it all began
the whistles blewand the attacks began
blood and guts the glory gone
the reality of war had changed their song
they were told it would all be over be Christmas
but nobody had told them,which one
four long years benny survived
but all his friends had taken the ride
through the door to the other-side
all his friends had taken the ride

The screaming the pain and the mayhem
The screaming the pain and the mayhem

Benny came home a different man
from the one that left before the mayhem
he had lost everyone who was close to him
when he came on back it was a new beginning
he had to find himself, a life to begin
life to begin again
never would he believe in war
never again would he be the governments whore
his ears still rang from the guns and the roar
the screams of the injured
the dead on the floor
the madness kept playing out inside his head
until he laid on his death bed

The screaming the pain and the mayhem
The screaming the pain and the mayhem
The screaming the pain and the mayhem
The screaming the pain and the mayhem
The screaming the pain and the mayhem
The screaming the pain and the mayhem
Music & Lyrics Reg

If Life is a dream then use your imagination


This is one of my favourites of yours. Tells a real and sad story, excellent lyrics. This is very much a blue song, which you really don't associate with WW1, but it really works.
Boss BR-1600


Great story of WW1. I'm singing that chorus all the day! Nice work, Reg!
Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
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Boss BR-800


Great tribute to your Grand dad -Trev
so true for the many who came home

Boss BR-800
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