i'm just not interested anymore

Started by Oldrottenhead, August 15, 2014, 10:27:50 AM


This side of the border, its not a particularly engaging subject despite the coverage, given that we have no say in the matter. I don't think I've had a single conversation on the subject. It should be kinda interesting, as if Scotland becomes independent, it will have a significant impact politically on the rest of us - but perhaps not that interesting.

That said, I'm with you - I haven't been listening at all :-)

Friend of mine has disconnected himself from the news, on the basis that he couldn't change anything. So now he's completely oblivious, and apparently a lot happier for it!

Nice tune and see where you're coming from on this.
Boss BR-1600


Cool, thought provoking tune, have no time for most politicos, in the end it,s not about them it,s about us.
Boss BR-80


Is it my imagination, or did you effect a thicker Scottish brogue on this one?  Subconscious or no?

Another fine post. Don't understand how the quality holds up when you are so prolific.



A fabulous, heartfelt song. Very, very 'real'. Works so great with just the guitar and the vocal, and your vocal delivery is outstanding.

The trouble (as with most things) is that you can't trust the vested political interests on either side of the debate. Both don't really have the interests of the people at heart - just their own wallets and ambitions.


It's a thought provoking song.  Like why are the rest of the UK not having a say in this?  When a man and wife get a divorce, they need the consent of both sides, not just one side deciding to leave unilaterally.  There's much in British politics to be wary of at the moment (the rise of xenophobia going on racism for one thing) and I hope Scotland don't make an impulsive decision and regret it thereafter. 

It's easy to see why many are bored and turned off by the whole thing though, personally I find politicians of whatever complexion as a breed to be thoroughly creepy and unpleasant.

Anyway, some good has come out of it at least in this song, James.  Nice one.
Overdrive - Distortion - Hyperactivity
Yesterdays shatter, tomorrows don't matter

Hi Jim, my views on politics and politicians is fairly well known so this song sums it all up very nicely for me.
Excellent.  Willie
Boss BR-800


Heartfelt tune... great song a great recording...

Here's to a great future for Scotland, one way or another!


whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


Can't comment as I'm not there... But it must be a totally crazy time

I'm Scottish descendant though my clan is Pict... apparently not the kilt-wearing gang...???