Anyone using Core Sound Low Cost Binaurals for their mic? in mono?

Started by femfatal, February 18, 2008, 11:43:41 AM

(pls excuse my double post, first time woops)

I´m considering this mic for the following reasons:

1. wann try a binaural, and this one is relatively cheap and easy to use
2. easy to split cable for interviews

I would like to hear how they perform with close up beat box style vocals (mono) - like 2 inches away from the mouth or throat.

Or if someone has a mic that would be especially good for this.

But mostly I wonder if anyone else here has tried out the Core Sound LCB as they match my needs on paper.


Hi there!

They look great, I've never tried one but I would like too. I don't know how they sound but I think they use very good capsules, which makes the overall price not so low cost (they cost $75). I say his considering you can build one set close to that (omnidirectional) with $10 with reasonable sound (see this).

I was able to find a sound sample (train station) for the Binaural Low Cost mics by Core Sound at:

All the videos about the Micro BR I made I recorded the voice using my homemade binaural electret microphones close to the mouth (2 inches). You can check it here:

Other interesting links:

Will you be using the microphones to record voice? Why do you want stereo?

PS: Welcome to the forum!

Mr. Scar

I've got some sndprofes binaurals, I think I paid like 75 for them, but that was over ten years ago. Here's a recording made today...binaural set up into br. sounds best in my closed ear buds.