Release that love (Big Bad Dog) New version

Started by thetworegs, June 02, 2014, 04:30:33 AM


The Band i have been playing with for the last couple of months have finally named ourselves Reg & The Tormentors and we are nearly ready for our 1st gig in July at the local gala playing in a 3 band lineup so it should be fun. There are three of us me on vocal, Jon on Guitar and Gary on drums. Here's a song we are working on but not finished at all but i wanted to share it with you all.....
She smiles with that loving feeling
That kind that you want to caress
Her eyes wide innocence
She has  the look of the blessed

Shes got your love
She needs your love
Go get that love

Shes tall and she's beautiful
But does she want to know
Dare yourself to speak to the woman
Get your get your mind
get your mind blown
Get your mind blown

Oh yeah get that love

Her body language speaks to you
And You've heard these words before
You know deep down she wants you
And you want her that little bit more

So get your love
Get your love
Release that love
She's got your love

Go I dare you
Release that love

(drums leading into middle eight change and solo then back to rhythm  )

Oh Oooh release that love

Yesterday's love is gone
it's not forgotten at all
It hides in the recess in your mind
curled up behind the wall
You gotta knock it down
Let it go
Yeah Knock it down
Let it go
You, gotta release that love

Let it go

Oooh you got to release that love

She understands you bleed
Shes understands your need
So Get on up off those knees boy
You've  found just what you need

You got to  Release that love
Yeah get that love
OohRelease that love
Let it go

She smiles with that loving feeling
That kind you want to caress
Her eyes are wide with innocence
they got the look of the blessed

She has your love
She owns your love
Now Release that love
Release her love
Yeah let it go

Shes tall and she's beautiful
So What's a matter with you
Get your good self over there
Get your mind blown
Let it go

Release that love
Go get that love
She, she has your love

She has your love
She owns your love
Go Release that love
Release that love
Release that love Let it fly

Release the Love
Music & Lyrics Reg & The Tormentors

If Life is a dream then use your imagination

T.C. Elliott

I listened to this yesterday but didn't get to comment on it. It sounds like a live recording, how did you record it? I like the wah type guitar and your vocals are pretty cool, gritty and spontaneous. I have to admit on second listen that I'm missing a bass line. I can imagine it in my mind pretty well.
Boss BR-900
Dead Ambassadors Bandcamp Page

T.C. Elliott Bandcamp Page

"You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." — Jack London


The music was recorded on an iPhone about 30 secs at band practice to not forget the idea then I stuck it together to make it a bit longer so i could add a vocal at home, so that we can work on it at the next's not finished by any means .....we don't have a bass player yet it was meant to be me but I can't learn how to play it fast enough and sing at the same time so ive decided to just sing and were looking for a bass player ...thanks for listening
If Life is a dream then use your imagination


Playing bass and singing like this at the same time is damn hard, much harder than guitar and singing.  With a voice like this you should just sing it man, maybe bang on a tamborine for the 60/70's vibe, or bang on a cowbell.  Thats live drums?, shit hot drumming.  You got yourselves a band Reg-man.  Bass will round this out real nice.  Great vocals.

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


Oh Reggie, it's you and your band - killer!

Dave's right - with a voice like yours, you just need to sing.

Congrats :D
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


Indeed what a voice.

I just know you guys kick some serious ass, live.

This has stunner written all over it... all the best with it.
Boss BR-600


Rockin' I'm looking forward to the final version already. Sounds like Robert Plant joined at some points! Awesome vocal, well done.
"The universe is a million billion light-years wide, and every inch of it would kill you if you went there. This is the position of the universe with regards to human life." ― Martin Amis



HI band will do well. glad I caught this song. was great to
hear the full band. wish u luck . at the gig. and it should b fun .theres
always something special to playing in front of people I did play with
a  Tribute band for  Satana  kind of music and I remember how much
fun it is .sorry bout typo lo . cheers NEIL.!!


well we are still working the song and here is a revised version from Sunday nights practice
Release the love
Music & Lyrics The Big Bad Dog
If Life is a dream then use your imagination