wedge through my Brain

Started by taffsdad, May 27, 2014, 01:58:19 PM


wedge through my Brain
in no way is this as good as any Beefheart track...but the wedge in my Brain made me do it....hope the mp3 uploads, if not its on my desktop and Ill post in the correct thread if someone points me in the right direction..
Be Kind Rewind


Thats a sweet little warped tune man, I love it.  Very quick on the draw.  great vocal.  What the hell are you playing there, clicky clack clack.

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


Just sat and wrote a long involved vanished because I pressed the wrong button...hate computer keyboards, loved the Line Wedge through My Brain...good to meet ya....the last post was infinitely better ...but maybe next time....john...aka taffsdad..aka the frozen in space blues singer...aka..the?
Be Kind Rewind


Hi Bluesberry the thing Im playing is a kalimba, I think they are also called African Thumb Piano, got it whilst on holiday in Lanzarote.....this one is tuned to the pentatonic the guy who made it, he said that they can be tuned just about anyway you wish......he had some fantastic instruments...big Bass Kalimbas, one of the best things about them is the fact that anyone can play....all the notes sound good together if it is tuned you can get an App....I think you can probably get an App to do anything or be anything.....crazy world we live in, but good one
Be Kind Rewind


just what I needed after a crazy day's work
Love that kalimba, I wonder where's mine, made out of a sardine can, couldn't get a note out of it...

great post John
hou hou ha ha


Excellent tunage, I broke one of those once.
Rock On!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


Daniel thanks my friend...Sardine Tin Kalimaba.....? couldn't get a note out of it ? are you sure you took all the Sardines out..... ;D
Thanks Hook its a wonder I havnt broke mine yet........just recently put a new Graphics card in a desktop pc....few problems later and it now has a 4 gig hard drive...the other 256 gig being unacessible for the moment...but I have it sorted.......says he with a crooked grin :-\...and an adapter off Ebay.....this could turn into my next song :-\
Be Kind Rewind


Very enjoyable. track . and if not mistaken . this should probably be
uploaded in covers if not your original song. either. way I enjoyed
it all  the way . that clickity clack . kind of sound was really well played
whatever it was as a comment above noted. a fun piece 2 thumbs up
worth a bump cheer s NEIL.!


thanks Neil....the Clickety Clack is a Kalimba...but to tell you the truth I like the Clickety Clack so from now on my Kalimba is my Clickety Clack...the only bit that's not all mine is the Wedge through my Brain, this was in a Comment in the thread on Captain Beefheart, I think I said something like that would make a great song, someone then suggested a thread for songs that started with a given first line....I liked the idea so did this, don't really write songs now just make them up as I logic is that I cant get the words wrong because they don't exist...I do actually find it hard to read and sing...its as though I have to get the words right..just spoils the flow for me, I suppose I will actually write fact my next song will be written...
Be Kind Rewind


I like the sound of that kalimba thingy, and the vocal has a nice blues-gospel thing going on - like you're on a chain gang somewhere! Another slice of 'real' music. And I love the title too.