A bit of an experiment...

Started by Johnny Robbo, May 16, 2014, 10:04:10 AM

Johnny Robbo

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I know that posting heaps of stuff from our back catalogues is frowned upon here, so I won't make a habit of this. It's just that being a relative newcomer to the site, I thought I'd give you a bit better idea of the stuff I've done previously, in addition to the jazzy stuff.

Last year I caught an excellent series on the BBC where composer Howard Goodall (the man who wrote, amongst other things, the Blackadder & Red Dwarf TV themes) explained the history of music. It took in mankind's beginnings with music - stones age cavemen using hollowed out animal bones as flutes etc - through to modern day rock, jazz, country & the wealth of music we have today. In one episode of the show he defined a symphony as "four loosely related pieces of music each between 7 and 10 minutes in length..."

I immediately thought "I could do that!" So I did. This is the 1st "movement" where I show my Gary Moore influences (probably a bit too much - the working title for the one was "Still Got The Parisienne Loner's Blues For You  ;) )

It's called Abstracts because a symphony was revolutionary in it's time as it was music for the sake of music - not an accompaniment to religious worship or a backdrop for an operatic libretto or music to be danced to... just music for the sake of music with no inherent meaning.

I'd make a cuppa before you hit play... it does go on a bit ;D

Thanks for listening!

Cakewalk SONAR
Adobe Audition

"The English may not like music, but they absolutely love the noise it makes." Sir Thomas Beecham

http://www.jrguitar.co.uk http://johnrobsonmusic.co.uk

Saijinn Maas

This was awesome. Great playing. Loved your tone and feel. Would say this was a successful experiment for sure!


A successful experiment indeed.
I love your tone and you really show diversity in your playing compared to your newer material. There are some wonderful melodic moments in this tune.
I love it and hope to hear more like this from you, even though I love your jazzy pieces too.
Boss BR-800


vERY Professional greatplaying . nice write up
wish u the best NEIL.!


Yes very impressive, even I can hear the Gary Moore influence. I also caught your Autumn Leaves  ::) which I very much liked :D
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


Sounds wonderful Johnny.  Gary Moore influence or not, this is just damn tasty guitar playing in my books.  And a hell of a composition.  I need to download this for listening in the car on the way to work, I have a 30 minute drive and this will be perfect for a good chunk of that.  Deadly stuff. 

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand

Johnny Robbo

Quote from: Hilary on May 16, 2014, 02:12:25 PMYes very impressive, even I can hear the Gary Moore influence. I also caught your Autumn Leaves  ::) which I very much liked :D

Thanks Hilary. I've always loved the Cannonball Adderley version of that tune with Miles Davis on trumpet... Glad you enjoyed my take on it  :)

Quote from: Bluesberry on May 17, 2014, 05:53:16 AMSounds wonderful Johnny.  Gary Moore influence or not, this is just damn tasty guitar playing in my books.  And a hell of a composition.  I need to download this for listening in the car on the way to work, I have a 30 minute drive and this will be perfect for a good chunk of that.  Deadly stuff. 

Thanks mate! You can download the whole symphony for free from my Noisetrade page -  it should just about cover the whole 30 minute journey. Just go to noisetrade.com & search for John Robson.

And thanks so much to everyone else for the lovely compliments. I'm really touched you like it  :)  :)  :)
Cakewalk SONAR
Adobe Audition

"The English may not like music, but they absolutely love the noise it makes." Sir Thomas Beecham

http://www.jrguitar.co.uk http://johnrobsonmusic.co.uk



Bloody good post. I kept waiting for one of those climbs Gary does with his crazy fast trills.

Wonderful playing and a nice build.


Wonderful, great guitar playing, beautiful tones, well structured tasteful piece.
Boss Micro BR
Yamaha Pacifica 112VM

Fender Squire


Pro stuff all the way Johnny.

You should be out on the road in a band or booked solid with studio sessions.
Boss BR-600