Totaly Confused

Started by mabramsjf, March 17, 2009, 07:42:02 AM


3 times I have recorded about 15 songs and still unable to transfer them to make a CD of them. Last night I recorded each song and hit save after each song. I can see that I have less recording time after each song but I cant figure out how to find them so I can convert them to MP3 to send to my computer. Seems like it should be simple, but It is getting frustrating. Is there an easier recorder to do this simple task? I will sell this in a heart beat and get an easier one. The directions in this thing are not real clear.
When I go to convert them, they are not there. It jumps from track 4 to track 12, then to 34. when I recorded the songs, they were songs 10 through maybe 25, but I cant find!!
John 14:6, God loves rock and roll too!!


Are you mastering the songs or just exporting them?  Either way they should be saved in the mp3 folder. 

When you connect your Micro BR to your computer, you should find two folders, one marked MP3 and one marked ROLAND.  They should be in the MP3 folder.

Before you get to that stage, switch your Micro BR into mp3 mode and you should be able to see them as you scroll through that menu.


I feel your pain man. The learning curve for recording is quite steep and with a little box like the MicroBR, it can be even more challenging since there are very few buttons and a good deal of menu scrolling.

The quick start section of the manual should set you straight but keep the following process in mind:

1. Create a new song
2. Select input option (GTR, MIC, LIN, EXT) and plug in.
3. Choose and tweak effects to taste
4. Record
5. Then export to MP3/WAVE, or master to MP3/WAVE
6. Thats it. Your completed files are now in the MP3 folder or mode.

If the manual is difficult to follow, then make use of the video demos here and on youtube. There's no changing the fact that you will have to put some time into learning not only the MicroBR, but the recording process in general. Here's a site that has got me rolling:   click on the guide and it will show you all you to know and then some...

If simple, raw stereo mp3 tracks are you really need, you may be better suited with a simpler device like a Tascam DR1 or Zoom H2. They will have their own learning curve but should be simpler to use. Ironically, the quality is about the same and with less features than the Boss... I think they cost more too. My suggestion is stick with the BR.


Thanks for the advice. I think my biggest problem is digital in general and the fact that I have never had anything like this. It is intimidating and frustrating and I am greatful to guys who have the patience and time to learn and then can help us less technical guys along. I will try again tonight. It seems so simple to simply record a song, save it and transfer it, but there are a lot of steps to get there. If I can figure out how to save it as an MP3 I will be in good shape, thanks again.
John 14:6, God loves rock and roll too!!


Once you've recorded a track, and assuming you want to convert just that track (ie. no bouncing together of other tracks like drums, vocals, etc...) then just hit the UTILITY button, then scroll over to EXP(ort) From there, it will ask you if you want MP3 or WAVE. It's that simple. Once it's done, click over to MP3 mode and it will show up there as whatever you named it. Or plug the recorder into your computer and you will see the MicroBR as folder/drive. Open the MP3 folder and the files will be there; even if it's in WAVE.

Good Luck and keep the questions coming.  ::)

Greeny (No longer active)

Quote from: mabramsjf on March 17, 2009, 11:07:09 AMThanks for the advice. I think my biggest problem is digital in general and the fact that I have never had anything like this. It is intimidating and frustrating and I am greatful to guys who have the patience and time to learn and then can help us less technical guys along. I will try again tonight. It seems so simple to simply record a song, save it and transfer it, but there are a lot of steps to get there. If I can figure out how to save it as an MP3 I will be in good shape, thanks again.

I'm not technical at all, and was very intimidated by the BR when I first got it. I managed to make my first recording using the tutorials on this site without referring to the manual once. Once you get going, you'll be hooked. It doesn't seem intuitive at all at first, but you'll begin to see the logic (and brilliance) behind how this thing is put together if you put some learning time in. Stick with it...  :)


OK. I have spent a couple of hours reading and trying to get a grasp on things but I still cant figure out how to convert my songs to MP3's so I can upload them. I can listen to them so they are on there, I just cant seem to unlock the combination to convert them so I can send them to my computer and eventually onto a CD. what am I missing?
John 14:6, God loves rock and roll too!!


I always MASTER them before I export as MP3...Hit exit and utility simultaneously to change modes(rec, bounce, master) then you'll have to record a mastered stereo track-then it will ask you if you want to export as MP3- click yes- then your songs will show up in the MP3 folder~~~It's really simpler than it sounds~

You might just want to look at Mastering in the manual~
PreSonus Studio One


Or~~ you could use the free Wave Converter software here:

just pick the tracks you wish to export to WAV and hit go.
PreSonus Studio One

The Reverend 48

I really sympathise.....I keep refering to the 2nd 2 tutorials that cover mixing mastering and exporting. Keep at it 8)