I want my bass to sound like this

Started by Tangled Wires, April 23, 2014, 10:28:09 AM

Tangled Wires

Boss Micro BR


I was watching that last night. They were a very full-sounding band for a duo.


Mmmmmhhhh....Octaver + Distorsion, I think...


Boss BR-600
Boss BR-800
Tascam DP-24
Logic Pro
Adobe Audition

Farrell Jackson

I'm not sure what make and model of bass he's playing but the hollow body contributes to the sustain and drive of the sound in conjunction with the effect pedals he is using. I agree with Alfredo that he using some kind of octaver and distortion/O.D pedals. Nice full sound for just a bassist and drummer! Now they need to get the drummer to sing some backup.

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, three.....is this mic on?


Pretty cool, great idea but I did find it a little boring towards the end. Some great riffs but it is a little one dimensional.

My bass does sound like that, only more so, see https://songcrafters.org/community/index.php?topic=20225.0  :D ;)

(shameless self promotion, sorry)

Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR


Ok, it seems as though he's got his bass going into one bass amp and two guitar amps, via a stereo octaver (octave up goes to the guitar amps). They've been playing this song a lot on 6Music. I had know idea they are a two piece. I really like it, but agree with our lurker in residence, Mr Ferryman, that the song becomes a little weary. Keeping it shorter, would have been the henwrench way (obviously....duh!). I also think it sounds just like the riff masters...Black Sabbath. But great song. Apparently, it was 'only' a B side, but got picked up as the stronger tune.

The job of the artist is to deepen the mystery - Francis Bacon

English by birth, Brummie by the Grace of God

Boss Micro BR

Flash Harry

I went looking for an octave pedal as soon as I saw this. There's the Danelctro French Toast - not available in the UIK but not that impressive and there are things like the Boss tone shifter stuff which is much more expensive but does pretty much what you want on the octave up.

So I think there are 3 pedals in use here, there's a fancy compressor which is used not so much to cut the transients but to bring up the signal as it starts to fade - i.e. a bit of sustain, the bass amp is driven out of this signal, then the octave up pedal and a distortion pedal, guitar amp driven out of this signal.

I like the idea, it's probably good for one song in a set, had to agree that it went on a bit. But good hair and beard.

I have both.
We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.


Quote from: Flash Harry on April 24, 2014, 03:02:49 PMBut good hair and beard.

I have both.

       And that, Ladies and Germs, is why they call him Flash Harry. Myself, I only am in receipt of one.

The job of the artist is to deepen the mystery - Francis Bacon

English by birth, Brummie by the Grace of God

Boss Micro BR


Quote from: henwrench on April 24, 2014, 03:09:58 PMMyself, I only am in receipt of one.

Me too ... And it's not on my head ;)

Back to Royal Blood, I love this band & don't find them tiring at all. Admittedly I am (above all) a bass player, but I love the tight groove they throw out. I've made a mental note to go & see them if they come anywhere close, but I guess that could be unlikely for a bit (they were in our area back in March).
I think the current bass Mike Kerr uses is a Fender Starcaster (bass equivalent of Dave Grohl's guitar), but I've also seen him use a Gretsch. I'm guessing he gets his sound from heavy use of an octaver too.

An interesting duo, in a current climate where it's usually guitar & drums.

On this week's Later, I also really liked Lucius, the New York band. A great show allround.
Looking forward to tonight's full episode :)


I have lots of hair and could have a beard if I wanted (but I don't, so there). But I realise I now want a Fender Starcaster. As a lover of short scale basses, it looks like it could be the ideal complement to my lovely little Jaguar bass. Like the look and sound here.

Might be interesting to see a duo where the guitarist has a baritone guitar.

PS Just found these guys are from Brighton, my old stamping ground, so they must be cool!!!
PPS Just read Wikipedia more and found out they come from Worthing, which is like Brighton's older, duller relative. So not so cool then.

Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR