I'm No Stranger To Love - Tascam DP32 demo - Farrell

Started by Farrell Jackson, March 31, 2014, 10:26:36 AM


Stunning. I really like the stripped back feel - would almost be a shame to flesh it out! Or maybe do half and half and keep it simple at the start.

So much serious talent on display.

Brilliant work.

Hi Farrell, I would like something this good as a finished product let alone a demo.  Roscoe
Boss BR-800


Super recording and great overall sound. The work is crisp.

I have a question though. On all those outboard effects (the wonder wall of racked units). Are they better that the on-board effects? I was just wondering - and how easy is it to loop those in?

That Neumann sounds lovely - I have a 'thing' for mikes - you can never have too many mikes ....
Boss BR-1600


Aw, sh*t! More earworm from FJ!
Agree with the comments about keeping it stripped-down. Just because you've got 32-tracks doesn't you have to use them. (Hey, we've ALL been guilty!).
Great, seemingly-effortless stuff, FJ. Good luck with new toy, as IF you'll need it.  8)
Boss BR-1200
Cakewalk SONAR


Flash Harry

wow that sounds fantastic. You're right, it's a great mic. Neumann don;t mess about. I'd love to know how you placed it and isolated it from the room. It's a professional quality vocal - it's a professional quality everything.

You got something going there.
We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.

Farrell Jackson

Quote from: bruno on April 04, 2014, 12:16:45 PMSuper recording and great overall sound. The work is crisp.

I have a question though. On all those outboard effects (the wonder wall of racked units). Are they better that the on-board effects? I was just wondering - and how easy is it to loop those in?

That Neumann sounds lovely - I have a 'thing' for mikes - you can never have too many mikes ....

Thanks Bruno! I love mics also and totally agree with "never having too many mics". You just need to know the characteristics of each mic because they all can and will sound different just like guitars. With the wall of rack units, I use about half of what is there now. For instance I no longer use the two para-metric eq units or the two DBX compressors. When I first started with the Fostex FD8, it didn't have any onboard  effects at all so I had the need to provide outboard effects. Once I got the VF160 with onboard effects the need was less but it still lacked some effects I had come accustomed to using. The new Tascam DP32 has effects but I'm not totally familiar with their quality or how to adjust the parameters to my liking yet. Although this recording was done completely with the DP32 I'll most likely still use some of the effects in my rack because I'm familiar with them. I have a patch bay that's configured to allow a quick patch (loop) of the effects on the rack into the recorders, at least the Fostex is right now. I haven't set up the DP32 to the patch bay yet. The batch bay switches can be set to route the ins and outs to different units. In the picture you just see the front of the patch bay with four things plugged in but the back has many units plugged to it. I can insert effects easily using the patch bay.

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, three.....is this mic on?

Farrell Jackson

Quote from: Flash Harry on April 04, 2014, 03:52:14 PMwow that sounds fantastic. You're right, it's a great mic. Neumann don;t mess about. I'd love to know how you placed it and isolated it from the room. It's a professional quality vocal - it's a professional quality everything.

You got something going there.

Thanks Flash Harry! I wish I could say I had this fabulous vocal booth but it's just a make shift vocal corner in the studio. I have heavy blankets hanging from the ceiling to about three feet from the floor. They are about 10 inches out from each wall. I place the mic back in the V of the blankets and sing into the corner any where from 1" to 12" out from the mic. Lead vocal is closer and backing vocals are further out. Before this set up I had a terrible time of keeping the room sound out but now it does a good job of room isolation.

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, three.....is this mic on?