A tune in need of a waiting room

Started by jackofall, March 13, 2009, 12:51:23 PM


jazz thing
If there are any dentists out there who need a tune for their waiting room, I can give you several hours of this. Shall we say a polish and a few Xrays in return?

If the human brain was simple enough for us to understand, we'd be so simple, we couldn't...


I don't have a waiting room, but I could listen to it for quite a while. LOL Great job!  I liked the panning on the guitars. Still haven't learned to much of that yet.


Another :D My only exuse for not commenting earlier is that it was posted three days before my first post here ;D

Where are you Jackofall? Working on another UKE songbook? which reminds me, I must get my butt over to Amazon and buy your first ... and second ? ???
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........


Hello Geir, It has been ages since I've been here...so much stuff getting in the way. I dropped my machine again and it still works but not 100% - cutting out etc. I still can't decide whether or not to repair it or to buy the new BR-80. I'd love to hear what people think of the new one.

I have finished recording the new CD and all the music has been sent off to the publisher. I'm hoping he'll give it the thumbs up. I'm really self critical and can only hear the less than good bits, but i'm hoping that's just because I've done it and know every little blemish.

The first book has now got 8 five star reviews on amazon.com but only 2 for the UK one -  no mention of the blemishes, so hoping it's just me being too hard on myself. Any reviews much appreciated (as long as you give me 5 stars!)

Still having jazz guitar lessons and still not getting very far.....new machine or old, I do intend to get back on the forum again with a few offerings. All I need now is an idea or some inspiration - bit lacking at the moment!   
If the human brain was simple enough for us to understand, we'd be so simple, we couldn't...