The Man had to send him North

Started by thetworegs, March 12, 2014, 06:40:33 PM


The Man sent him North
TV_Fest (banner image missing)

Here's one for the TV fest that i decided to do after watching another episode of the second series of Lillyhammer it's a stunner!!.The series that is!..anyway i went down the cellar and asked big E if he would front this one and so here it is.......

Frank had to leave
It was getting way to hot
They had to send him somewhere where he could cool down a lot

Frank was so pleased
so pleased When the man sent him north

It was cold when he got  there
Everything innocent white
They weren't quite ready for how he Frank would set the place alight

Frank was so pleased
so pleased When the man sent him north

The change of pace seemed to slow frank down
He met a man called Togeir who helped to show him around
And together they went ahead and took over Lillyhammer town

Frank was so pleased
so pleased When the man sent him north

He knew that back home a bullet waited for his head
But here in Lilyhammer he could sleep safe & sound inside his bed
He never dreamed there was such a pleasant place to be

Frank was so pleased
so pleased When the man sent him north
Go on get out of my town boy

Piano solo

Frank he met a woman, Sigrid was her name
A blond Scandinavian woman  whom loved  him without shame
A gift of twin children was given to them

Frank was so pleased
so pleased When the man sent him north

The Flamingo grew, to be the hottest club in town
With the illegal booze the profits started to amount
Family life was good and the friendships frank made were solid too

He loved this new place better than his hometown
He could see nothing wrong with what was going down
He could handle it all
He still pleased
that the man had sent him north

Frank had to leave
It was getting way to hot
They had to send him somewhere where he could cool down a lot
Frank was so pleased
so pleased When the man sent him north

The man sent him North
Music & Lyrics Reg
If Life is a dream then use your imagination


Boss BR-800


once i complete house of cards season 2, i'm onto lilyhammer season 2. after that i got orphan black lined up.

They weren't quite ready for how he Frank would set the place alight. sums up lilhammer in one sentence.

braw tell yer maw.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


HI Trev..not familiar..with the song. but love it anyway
very cool arrangement. as a whole. wonderful keys being
played. congrats again my friend NEIL.!


Excellent man, thats the deal Reg-man.  Style to burn, nice to hear you again big-E, you need air in your lungs from time to time.

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


Hah - I'm just watching it at the moment! I'm loving the keys Reggie and of course the vox.

Nice one!

Get gone out my town boy :D
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça

Speed Demon

Well...I do declare...good old down-home British blues!

Surprises never end.

Well done!

Boss eBand JS-8

Adobe Audition

There is room for all of God's creatures.
Right next to my mashed potatoes.