The Storm - A Hook and Bruno original

Started by bruno, February 21, 2014, 12:16:37 PM


In-law inspired??? Brings a whole different complexion to the lyrics Bro  ;D ;D ;D

Thanks all for the kind comments, I always appreciate the time taken to listen and to comment.

Sometimes songwriting is a up hill slog, this was more of a runaway train down! I was working on a different track, came to an em-pass, so switched songs. I uploaded a new beat and started playing. Liked the progression/riff - so through I'd record else I'd forget it. Wondered what it would sound like with a second guitar, then a third, and then a bass. Ended up as an idea track, however wasn't sure that I could reproduce the feel but the structure was strange and petered out at the end, so cut and paste the good bits.

The track is made up of a two verse/chorus loop, repeated 3 times. The outtro is the intro repeated 3 times. Programmed the drums using beta monkey loops and added the solo guitar. In the process of looking for a lead, found my slide, which I have been looking for since christmas. Looked into my cable bag, and there it was - hence the middle bit. Given the sound of the track, I though The Storm was a fitting title  ;D ;D ;D

Sent to Hook and got his brilliant take on this, great lyrics and vocal performance. However, there is so much sound on the song, the vocals were a little lost - it took quite a bit of fiddling to get them to get them to be heard and hopefully not overpowering - not via volume, but through compression and EQ (something I've learned through this site). So, I cound still hear the loop joins (you still can) - I wanted some noise to hide these joins - so what better than thunder (via the Korg mini-workstation, along with wind and rain sounds), but spectacularly managed to miss the joins  ;D ;D - but liked all the sounds anyway.  ;D ;D ;D ;D So there it is!!!

Oh, and the thunder sounds remind me very much of the typical Florida storm, us brits get the chairs out and watch, the local Floridians look at us very strangely when we do this - but it is a most spectacular show! We very occasionally get lightening, and then its only a few cracks, not 37,000 ground strikes in Lightening Alley!!!!

Now back to the up hill struggle ....

Boss BR-1600

Farrell Jackson

You boys are rockin' the shite out of this song! I'm on my second listen because I was listening intently and forgot to comment on the first pass......I like the rock-ness of the song...excellent guitar work Bruno (smokin' solo) and Hook delivers the vocal goods with ease!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, this mic on?


This is the music that I like.
Downloaded, thanks a lot.
It is nice to be back !


back for more of this beauty......... this time i'm taking the storm with me....thanks Chaps!! ;D
If Life is a dream then use your imagination


Struggle was well worth it, to my ears.

The guitar work is blazing and the creative use of the lightening strikes, was brilliant.

Without a doubt, Hook smoked the vocals.

This one's Crackin from the first drum roll.

Wicked Collaboration.  O0

Boss BR-600

Great rocker guys, sounds great even with a fairly cheap set of cans, will listen on something a little meatier tomorrow.  Roscoe
Boss BR-800


Almost missed this!!!  Real good Rock'n Roll tones and riffs with professional production! Hook, your voice works well on hard rock tunes, too! Superb job, gents!
Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


Somehow I have missed this excellent rocker. To quote my brother, rock on... please rock on.
Boss BR-800


Wow, fabulous guitar sounds, I'm really impressed with how good they are.  I love the lyrics and vocals.  No sure about everyone else, but I don't think Hook is talking about the weather.
Boss BR-800


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This is awesome! Great guitar playing. Great vocals. Great sound effects. Really enjoyed it.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig