Isolation Guitar Speaker Cabinet

Started by Picker, January 14, 2014, 01:10:56 PM


So how much does it attenuate the volume?


Quote from: Blooby on January 22, 2014, 12:30:02 PMSo how much does it attenuate the volume?

That's pretty subjective but I would say about 80%, but it also kills the highs so it sounds like it's in another room. 

I don't play real loud anyway, but if I was playing you would have to raise your voice to talk and would most likely wait till I stopped before trying to say anything meaningful.  But when it is in the box, you can have a conversation no problem at all, without raising your voice at all, in fact you could even talk quietly.  My wife can watch TV and not be bothered at all.

If you want it even quieter, the trick is to build another box about 2 inches bigger all around and stuff the gap with insulation.
Boss BR-800


Thanks.  On another note, I find the image of the empty gloves atop the cabinet faintly disturbing.  Probably dredging up my fear of mimes.



You changed the sound insulation between photo's - which is the final one?
Boss BR-1600


Yes, my real name is Dexter..........

I tried to use Rauxal insulation to get more isolation, but it was kinda dusty (hence the gloves) and I was concerned about it affecting the speaker......I tried to cover it with some cheap material, that wasn't working either, then I realized that even if I did jam the speaker into place, I would never get it out without breaking up the box, so I used a combination of Speaker stuffing (white), and some Auralex foam (black egg carton stuff).

If you want to build one I would highly recomend sourcing some foam first, it's not easy to find.  I don't think it has to be a certain type, I saw some on the net that looked like pillow cases with chunks of foam in them.
Boss BR-800


Ok, I had such success with this giant Iso Cab that I decided to build a much smaller one.  I have only had a moment to test it's isolation capability and it is successful!  Not quite as much attenuation as the other one, but close.  I designed this one so that I could use it as a normal speaker cabinet as well, just leave the lid off.  It's a 12" Greenback, so I used the same internal volume as the Traynor DarkHorse 112 closed back extension cabinet.    I also tilted the baffle board back to eliminate some of the standing waves.

Sorry, I didn't take any photo's during construction, but it was pretty much the same as the other one.  I still have to paint it and put on handles and stuff.

Also note that I tried to do a video of the old ISO Cab showing the difference in sound volume, but the camera compressed out all the difference.  But as an "ear" witness, I can tell you that the difference was really huge.  I didn't realize how loud I had my system, till I pulled the extension cab out of the ISO Cab.  Probably double the volume I normally play at.

So here are pics of the new one.

Boss BR-800


I just stumbled on your last post. What a brilliant design. The Dr. Z amp made some spittle from in the corners of my mouth as well. What are your thoughts on the two designs sonically now that you've lived with them for a bit?
