Don't Let Me Drown - the REAL version

Started by Picker, December 30, 2013, 01:53:13 PM


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This is a second posting of this song because I messed up and uploaded a scratch version of the song on the original post and now for some reason can't get rid of it.  Here are the original details:

Ok, 1st posting from the BR800.  My drummer came up with this beat at practice on Nov23, and I made the chords for the chorus to follow him, then wrote about 60% of the song until yesterday when I finished it off (for now at least).  I recorded everything but the vocals yesterday, which I finished about an hour ago.  They sound pitchy to me, and I thought it might be the chorus effect that I added after, but when I reduced it the pitchy-ness was still there, so it's all me I guess.

I used a metronome to keep me in time (but still had a couple whoops) and to make a scratch track, but the entire song is me playing each instrument live.....kinda......  I used a budget Roland kit for the drums, so much easier to record than real drums and IMHO, sound good.  I think the guitar might be a bit loud and this is pronounced on laptop speakers.....but it sounds good in headphones.

The distorted guitar on the left is a Marshall and I think a Fender on the right; the lead is the same Marshall patch but I switched to a medium gain switch (from low).  There is also a delay on the left and a chorus on the right (recorded wet).  Not sure I'm fussed on the guitar, but it will do for now.  The vocals were done with a Audio-Technica condenser mic (about $100 in Canada) and the harmony's I had to sing, cause I don't know how to engage the built in effect yet; I will say that the built in harmonizer is great for figuring out a good harmony though.
Boss BR-800


Don't Let Me Drown_0708_08 1 Low Qual Version
Ok, having no luck.  i'll try again later.
Boss BR-800


This is a stunner. Makes me wish my singing voice didn't offend me so.

I am especially enamored of the bass in this one.


Flash Harry

This is the third track of yours I have listened to this evening.

I'm impressed with your playing, singing, construction and recording. I'm a bit jet lagged at the moment so I'm less than verbose, but all have been good stuff.....

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We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.


Crikey good - a big step up from the first one and that was pretty damn good!
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


Awesome, thanks so much for the compliments again.  Voice still sounds really pitchy to me.  Might still be that chorus effect.  Does anyone have tips on thickening vocals on the boss? 

I'm not sure what patch I used, I just plugged in to and selected input 4, fired up the phantom power for the mic and went for it.  I didn't look to see what the default patch was.....then I tried adding delay in the universal delay/chorus settings.....then decided chorus had more of the doubling effect.

Woohoo, I finally got the scratch take removed from the website; I'll have to listen to it again, there was probably some pretty embarrassing stuff on it..yikes!

Boss BR-800


To Blooby:  What are you talking about?  I haven't listened to all your songs, but I hear great tone on For the Summer (one of my favourite songs ever).  It might be slightly pitchy and some slightly misplaced words, but nothing serious if you carry the pitch and certainly nothing I'm not hearing on my stuff.  Personally I like your tone way more than mine.  I sound like I have a frog in my throat.  I hate that it doesn't sound like it does in my head.   Grrrr!

Boss BR-800


Quote from: Picker on December 30, 2013, 04:08:51 PMTo Blooby:  What are you talking about?  I haven't listened to all your songs, but I hear great tone on For the Summer (one of my favourite songs ever).  It might be slightly pitchy and some slightly misplaced words, but nothing serious if you carry the pitch and certainly nothing I'm not hearing on my stuff.  Personally I like your tone way more than mine.  I sound like I have a frog in my throat.  I hate that it doesn't sound like it does in my head.   Grrrr!

That is not me singing on "For the Summer."  I have an acoustic duo with an old friend (I mean he's old...not me).  He is aptly named Lurker on this site. He sings so I don't have to unleash my aural poison on the masses.



Excellent....I don't know what  you mean about your voice sounds great to my ears....Keep em coming
If Life is a dream then use your imagination


I'm hearing a strong 90's feel on this (on a positive way). Fantastic singing and playing! Enjoyable listening!

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