Wild Words by Attica - analog recording

Started by bruno, December 05, 2013, 01:54:34 PM


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Farrell's old analogue recording got me thinking - haven't posted these before. Posted via soundcloud, recorded in 1994 onto analog 16 track. Me on my JV squire strat and 2 4 by 12's (Marshall and Blues 69 head), Pambos (RIP Brother) on his lovely music man stingray bass, Rob on Vox and Paul on drums. We had a blast  ;D ;D ;D ;D

I couldn't get the soundcloud widget to work - oh well! Recorded in BRP Studio's in Newbury by Adam Whittaker - he's doing pretty well now, he works with John Leckie, and records Julian Cope and Grimus to name a few these days. He was a young upstart at the time :)





Boss BR-1600

kenny mac

Wow. Down down,Love it.
Pity you haven't just got the backing for this would love to tinker with it and add a new vocal.
not that there's anything wrong with the original,I just would love to give it a revamp.
I'm off to listen to the rest  :D

kenny mac

Wild words.......great .
Love that vocal,and the recording is superb as well. Fantastic.

kenny mac

Love nor money.  Brilliant these songs are great,superb.
We'll done to all involved.

kenny mac

Thats the way,,,,,,super funky.
This should have a way guitar funking it right up man.
The bass is superb and the lead that kicks around 120 mark is cool as f**k.
Brilliant ,I enjoyed all of these songs Bruno, cheers. ;D


Crazy Good stuff my brother...rocktastic!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


I've just come across these - they are fantastic. I recognised the guitars immediately but couldn't place the singer!


(Bruno you need to go on the embed section and just use the wordpress number for the Soundcloud widget to work ;) )

You should put them all up separately, they are worth it.
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça

Farrell Jackson

Yowzzaaaa!!!!!!!!! That's The Way is fantastic as are the other songs Bruno. The analog recordings have so much depth to them.  Some great playing and sound with the Marshall Stack! Ha those were the days....crank it up with youthful energy! This was a real treat listening to your analog recordings...nothing like that sound!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, three.....is this mic on?


I think the general consensis is that these songs are excellent...and i concur!

Not really surprised tho Bruno...your talent shines thru on all your posts. You are a really talented guy and the band rocked.

Cool that these recordings survived. That's one thing i love about recording. Keepsake stuff. When we are old and frail, all we may have is memories. Depressing, but true. I've already forgotten so much stuff i did in my life. Thank heavens for pictures and recordings!

Going back for another listen...

Boss BR-1200