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Mr Rabbit

Started by IanR, November 29, 2013, 11:28:36 PM


Mr Rabbit

Here is a new song inspired by the new levels of leadership in the Australian government.  Tony Abbot is our current Prime Minister.  He has also been known as Mr Rabbit.  The first thing the new government did was stop talking to the media.  The second thing they did was get caught spying on the President of Indonesia (thanks to Edward Snowdon). The third thing they did was increase Australia's "debt ceiling" to $500bn (a huge amount that will mean that we will have to sell a shit load of coal to China to pay it off - don't worry about greenhouse gas emissions!).

This song is written from the point of view of a jilted lover (Australia) and directed at the jilter (Tony).  BTW: I did not vote for him!

It was recorded on the BR800.  I used the 64 Guitars method of filling up lots of tracks and bouncing them to tracks 7/8 to retain a "working mix".  When all the tracks were recorded (about 25 in all), I transferred them all to Sonar and worked on them there.  I ended up deleting a few and was left with 21 at the end.  Included in the 21 tracks are 6 vocal tracks; 2 rhythm guitar tracks; and 8 "brass" tracks (all played on a Casio keyboard with various brass patches).  I included all the brass tracks to demonstrate to my daughter, who is learning trumpet, that I can write songs for brass.  I have asked her to play "real trumpet" for me on this song but I may be very old by the time she gets around to it, so I'm posting the song with pretend brass.  You will have to use your imagination.

I hope that you like it.

Mr Rabbit

Mr Rabbit

©Words and Music by Ian Robertson 22 November 2013

You told me that you loved me and would be my man
But getting in the House was you master plan
You gave me smiles and you held my hand
And you told me things that I'd understand

But now you're in you don't want me no more
I gave you the keys and you locked the door

I wanted you
I trusted you
I needed you
But now we're through

You told me that you loved me and would never lie
But you see the world through others' eyes
You tracked me down and sent out your spies
It seems your love was a brilliant disguise

Now I find I can't trust you no more
I gave you the keys and you locked the door

I wanted you
I trusted you
I needed you
But now we're through

You told me that you loved me and I shouldn't fret
But you took my wallet and you raised the debt
I'm starting to think that I've lost a bet
Blah blah blah blah blah

When I think that's it - there's more
I gave you the key and you locked the door
But now you're in you don't want me no more
I gave you the keys and you locked the door
Now I find I can't trust you no more
I gave you the keys and you locked the door

PreSonus Studio 1824
PreSonus FaderPort 8
PreSonus Studio One


A great song Ian and you've mixed all those tracks really well. An interesting subject for a song too. I'm currently growing my own guitarist (my son) but I think I've got a bit of a wait too.
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


Very nice song Ian! Thanks for the info of the recording process, too! Well played and sung!
Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


Great song Ian. The brass riffs are really good. Love it.
Boss BR-800


Really like this song Ian! Those horn riffs give it a cool ska feeling, great lyrics!
Rock On!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


nice one ian, a lot i can relate to here.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


This is gooooooooooooooooooooooood!!!!!

Love it Ian !
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........

Flash Harry

Wow Mr. Rabbit - it's fantastic, I love the beat, it's infectious.

Great song.

I watch Aussie politics quite closely although I don't get the vox pop. I have family in Perth, just getting on with their lives. I'll be there in just over a week so I hope the government haven't spoiled it yet.

I wonder how much the tickets for the WACA are.... 
We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.

kenny mac

Brilliant drum sound there and the vibe is fantastic.
A smashing tune and the instrumentation is well tight my friend.
Good stuff.


Thanks for the comments.

Yes, I thought someone would mention the Specials or the Clash (Julie's been working for the drug squad) or Bo Diddley.  I don't claim to be original! 

BTW, I went to my kids' high school end of year musical performance last night.  They had a symphonic band, a concert band, a jazz band, a strings ensemble or two and a training band.  All excellent (but obviously the older kids are better).  I'm tempted to send this song to the jazz band or the concert band co-ordinator to see if they will do the brass for me.  It might be fun if they take up the offer.

Flash - tickets to the test Cricket are very reasonable.  You should be fine.  I'll be going to the Boxing Day test in Melbourne.  That's the one you want to go to if you can.

PreSonus Studio 1824
PreSonus FaderPort 8
PreSonus Studio One