Doomsday Blues - Farrell original

Started by Farrell Jackson, October 29, 2013, 09:05:30 AM

Farrell Jackson

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This is a collaboration of three but not quite a traditional blues song: DrC started it off with the basic music, chord progression, and song title. I had some half written words on a similar theme but they had been on the shelf for awhile. So I asked Linda Fry if she wanted to participate on the lyric. She just happen to also have an unfinished set that fit the theme so she sent them over and I combined our two ideas which are now the lyric for Doomsday Blues. DrC - all keyboards, bass/drum programming, various sounds (sax), mixing and mastering. Linda Fry - Lyric contributor. Farrell Jackson - Lyric contributor, all vocals/melody, mind bender vibrato guitar fills and outro lead solo. We hope you like our blues song!  

Doomsday Blues

(V1) Could it be a sign of the times, maybe it's just getting primed
It's happening all over the globe, it's happening on your road
People not respecting one another, brother against their brother

(V2) When governments use chemical caches, reducing helpless people into ashes
Is this another blip, rolling off the news mongers lips
Turning a blind eye doesn't make any sense, we can't standby and witness this

(Chr) If we decipher the this the doomsday blues?
We're starting to pay the dues.....It seems like there's no use
We're already sittin' on the corner....of doomsday and blues

(V3) Here today and gone tomorrow, leaving our children to follow
Our country's debts go unpaid, how many will be forced to pay
When food and water come in short supply, little ones go hungry but don't know why

(V4) Stop throwing fuel on the fire, that's been started by the liars
Good forced to beg and steal, or kill for the very next meal
When life as we know it.... is gone, we'll lie awake fearing the dawn

(Chr) If we decipher the this the doomsday blues?
We're starting to pay the dues.....It seems like there's no use
We're already sittin' on the corner....of doomsday and blues

Farrell Jackson and Linda Fry © 2013
Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, this mic on?


Hey Farrell , that is some crazy song man , very original & very good , love the lyrics , the solo's are wicked , in fact a totally superb listen
Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR
"All along the ancient wastes the thin reflections spin,
that gather all the times and tides at once we love within."
 - Roy Harper


Cool tune - loved the major key chorus and doomsday blues, the chorus is very jolly!
Very good recording and playing throughout. Great outro solo, the sound reminded me of the Jeff Wayne's war of the world for some reason.
Boss BR-1600


Love all the shifts and turns this song takes on it's journey. That change going into the chorus is just fantastic. There's something very deep and edgy about this song - it has a playful feel in places, but there's a strange tension beneath. Really enjoyed this one - brilliant collaboration.   


braw tell yer maw, your vocal reminds me of our very own viking...geir.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


I dig your vocal also, cool tune & you've made it quite interesting. Really cool solo's! I think the Mayans were right and doomsday already came & this is the aftermath. We are all just so desensitized that it doesn't seem so bad.
Rock On!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


Wow this is some serious good songwriting. It is really original although it is blues. You have managed to write an original blues song.
Boss BR-800


Farrell Jackson

Thanks Robbie, Bruno, greeny, ORH, Hook, Jarle, and phantasm for the listen and comments! It was a bit challenging vocally going from a Gm verse to a G major's easier to do it the other way around but that helped give the song it's originality. Thanks again all!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, this mic on?

Hi Farrell, a gem of a collab. Love the sub bass that runs through and like others love that chord change in the chorus,  Roscoe
Boss BR-800