Unions (Poem/Fx)

Started by SteveB, October 10, 2013, 05:53:58 AM


Like this a lot. Great words, and you know how to perform them. I've 'performed' poetry myself, and it isn't easy - way harder than singing a song. Can't say I ever felt totally comfortable doing it myself, but I enjoy others doing it - from The Beats, to Bukowski, to John Cooper-Clarke. And this! You have a natural talent for it. Fine and interesting work.


Aw shucks, Hayles. I'll have to divulge the location of our cyber-tryst. :(
GD is simply the General Discussion board on Songcrafters where, I believe it was Mr Green who started The Poetry Thread, from where this poem is lifted. Glad we've got that sorted.

Yep, in my admittedly-limited experience of public poetry reading, I think buttock-clenching tends to cover the body language.

Another vote for Prog Rock. Hmm, maybe I missed my turning, could Prog's loss be Retail's gain.

Cheers for comments Peeps.  8)
Boss BR-1200
Cakewalk SONAR
