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Joyo Jazz

Started by bruno, October 01, 2013, 04:35:44 PM


Track 196 - Joyo Jazz
Guitar and Bass DI. Guitars with the Joyo American Pedal (£30), bass with the Joyo JDI Pedal (£30). No amps or amp simulations used - just the pedals -  American for guitar, JDI for the Bass. The tones are all DI'd pedals straight into the BR1600.

See what you think, and bit of a throw away track to see what these pedals sound like. Only a bit of post prod reverb and delay on the guitars, EQ'd pretty flat. I must say the JDI pedal is great, and so is the American Pedal - and for £30 they are a steal, they are a clones of other pedals, but the quality is very good.

Boss BR-1600


Wow, this sounds great, the lead guitar in particular has a great smooth sound. Very effective pedals and some great playing there as well. Really nice energetic bass line.




Man, that's funky! So smooth. A bit of a Spyro Gyra / Steely Dan vibe. Such fantastic playing - both on the bass and the guitar. The new pedal sounds great, but with playing like that, any old pedal would sound great! Fantastic.


Wow Bruno this is really good. I was playing jazz for a bit a while back and seemed to get out of it. You`ve made me want to indulge again. You sound different than most with your style too which is a good thing to me. Those pedals sound really good for the price. I never heard of them.

 Keep on playing away, you rock!!
Boss BR-80


Thanks for the comments guys, I really appreciate the listen and comments.

I am on a mission at the moment - the best way to record a guitar. It started with changing the speaker on my (was then) crappy Peavey Valve King 5W'er. Got me thinking about isolation boxes. Then Paul bought a Tech 21 Oxford (Orange amp simulation - all analogue) on eBay for £100. It sounded great, so looked into their Blonde pedal (Fender equiv of the Oxford) - but they retail at around £160, so thought no. Anyway, was researching - and stumbled on Joyo, and everyone was raving - and they are only £30. They produce loads of clone pedals.

We A/B'd the Oxford and the Joyo, and they are identical (which is a bit odd as Orange and Fender ???), but you can dial in exactly the same sound, and I mean exactly. The real kicker is that the oxford has some kind of strange ring modulation sounds when dialled in full distortion and max eq, and so does the Joyo - it must be exactly the same circuit. Not exactly ethical - however all these companies copy each other. I've now got a Joyo TubeScreamer equivalent, and it sounds almost the same as my Robin Trower Fulltone (and that's by far my favouritist pedal of all time), and have the Joyo OCD on the way. All £30, all really well built (metal case, proper knobs etc), sound great. I figured I'd better buy them why they are so cheap, I think they'll go up in price. I've got a Behringer GT-21, and that's no where near as good as the Joyo. The real surprise for me was the JD-21 (red box clone) - that sounds fab for bass, I'm really happy with that. Anyway, I've ordered 5 pedals (got 4) for the price of 1.

Am thinking of building an isolation speaker box - but not sure how successful that will be
Boss BR-1600


 Nice funky tune. Nice work with the bass.
Boss BR-800


Brilliant!! Ive ordered one and its on its way, now all ive got to do is learn to play like you and im away.....
If Life is a dream then use your imagination



So I've just got the Joyo California - rather than Fender, is as Mesa Boogie clone. That's pretty raw sounding (in a good way) :-)
Will post some samples :-)

Ordered 5 Joyo pedals, and have got 4 so far - opps.
Boss BR-1600


Very goovy and funky!! The baseline is real cooool!! Awesome job on guitars, too!!
Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


Fantastic... I love to listen to jazzy stuff that doesn't disappear up its own backside as the genre can sometimes do for me. This stays within the parameters of being really cool, melodic and interesting. Great playing too!
iPad GarageBand