To Songcrafters

Started by MrBud, September 26, 2013, 11:30:16 AM


Wanted to say thank you to all for feedback i've rec'd,and how helpful it's been.
Recently had an opportunity to recant some of my experiences in songwriting etc,on Seeds of Music out of Calif,
Just aired interview..

Thanks again,
Up And Adam


Oh George, that was great - it feels like I've got a lot of comments :D

I did watch it all the way through - bless you, you gave Songcrafters a couple of plugs.

What a fantastic musical journey you have had, my oh my, I'm sure we are all very envious and how lovely to see a video of you now.

I agree 100% with what you say - all the issues that you have to deal with if you are trying to be successful does absolutely detract from your focus and artistry. Unfortunately nowadays, it's not just good enough to be great at what you do, you need to be a webmaster, a producer, a sound engineer and a PR specialist (unless you are successful enough to be able to pay someone else to do it or have very talented friends)

Very interesting and now it's very late!

Thanks for posting - Haylie
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


Watched the beginning and hopefully can catch the rest later. As a multiple hat wearer you are right on the money brother!
Rock On!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


Watched it till my internet froze - will watch the last 5. But an excellent interview, great stories and insight. Two great points, honesty and humbleness, I cannot disagree with that - it will make the music flow :-)
Thx for sharing - and for the nod towards this site - we are all songcrafters.
Boss BR-1600

kenny mac

Watched the lot George  and thoroughly enjoyed it,you got it spot on about our little community here,it's such a helpfull site and I feel it spurs you on to do better.


Thank's Haylie,and everyone else,, This was a rare opportunity to recant some of what I went through early on,,
Very eye opening,and then as things took off,it started to go really quick -hopefully next time around i'll take on only as much as I alone can handle..
They always say that the people around you seem to change-that was true- Everyone gets mobilized,and acts a bit differently. [probably myself included]
In just 6 mos. or less we were introduced to some seriously lofty people..and stunned,no doubt,,This was really the 1st time i've talked at length to anyone about these times ,and still shake my head in amazement.
The very last thing i want to do is live in the past,rest on those laurels alone.
Time off was needed,and i'm out to get some good things done,and songcrafters has been my sounding board nowdays thankfully.
Thanks for listening :]
Up And Adam

T.C. Elliott

listening now... thanks for sharing
Boss BR-900
Dead Ambassadors Bandcamp Page

T.C. Elliott Bandcamp Page

"You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." — Jack London


Finally got the chance to listen to it in peace and quiet.

That was really interesting George. Thanks for sharing. Please keep us updated when you take your music the next step!
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........