Right way to behave

Started by thetworegs, September 21, 2013, 02:55:25 PM


Right way to behave
Reg has learned a valuable lesson......... the right way to behave ......Les is learning to behave too..
she said to me I've got something to say to you
and maybe you won't like what you hear
something inside your head just ain't right
and i got to tell you right here
it ain't right what your doing to me
it ain't the right way to behave  

Look what you've got right here
cause you won't have it if you don't behave
i'm not asking much from you
i don't want you to be some kind of slave  
i just want some respect like i give you
cause it ain't right what your doing to me
it ain't the right way to behave

i looked her right in the eye
i said i don't understand what you mean
i'm just acting like my daddy told me
he told me to treat women mean
i was just trying to keep you keen
I wasn't trying to be obscene
It ain't right what your saying to me
it ain't the right way to behave

I said What do you think your doing babe
talking to me that way
ooh well she left me
and now i'm all alone
here words spin in my head
as i lay in this bed alone
why did i have to act so mean  
why did i treat her so bad
i know what i did was so wrong
and for that i'm so sorry and sad
it ain't right what i did to her
no it weren't the right way to behave
now i want her back but she don't want to know Just as ive learned to behave

Right way to behave
Music & Lyrics Les & Reg
If Life is a dream then use your imagination


Rocking good buddy! Les behaved well!!!
Boss BR-80


very cool my friend, you know i like those up tempo, heavish songs!


Rocking out here,sounds cool nice work :)
He's not the messiah he's a very naughty boy!