Started by thetworegs, September 18, 2013, 03:53:11 PM


I met up with a couple of musicians from over on Alonetone (FDR) Freight Drive Reprobates and Jip1965 this is a collab between me and Snoop (FDR) who has put the music together for me. We had a little too much to drink on Friday to record and i've only just today started to feel well enough to attempt a go so here it is....the Latex man the crime avenger.........I've had to sqish this a lot to get it small enough but i'm sure you will still enjoy it......the lyrics are from the top of my head and a first take i copied down the lyrics after i recorded....i was going to attempt a retake but lkiked the energy in it ...hope you do too
The Latex man
Music FDR Lyrics Reg
In the dark of night
everything can sometimes look bizarre
somebody somewhere is in trouble
somebody is having thoughts of a dark kind that they shouldn't have
Their life seems out of control it's not the lie they planned or want
It's all going wrong


I am the latex man
I'm dressed in red
and i'm on fire
i'm on fire with desire
with desire just to help

In the dark of night when fearing to be mugged
look behind you look up above
cause i'm the latex man who can fly
i can fly, i can fly,  cause i'm so dam high

don't worry, your never alone you have got me from here to home
everything that i ever do is here just to help you
so don't fear, don't fear, the latex man is here

When you feel so alone
cause your not
when fear has got your adrenaline going
pumping your heart hot
do not fear cause i am here
i'm the latex man on fire Yeah!!

i'm the latex man
and i'm on fire
if you are doing wrong RUN!!
I'm coming in from above cause i'm so dam high

During the daylight hours
I'm just a normal guy
but as the darkness comes and i start to feel high
I slip on the boots and the latex suit and i'm ready to get on fire

i'll give you what you desire cause i'm on fire

if your doing wrong you better run boy run
the dogs are on fire too their running away their after you
but i'm coming in from up on high
i'm the latex man dressed in Red and i'm high
i'm on fire boy
i'm on fire
i'm coming in i'm gonna get you
cause i'm on fire
when your doing wrong i'm gonna stop you
i;m gonna gonna get you, yeah!!

as i slip on my boots
slip on my latex suit
put on my horns
set myself on fire
i'm coming
I'm a coming to get you bad boy
i'm coming
i'm coming to get you

cause i'm on fire

on fire


i'm coming in from up above i'm gonna get you

just listen to me
if you don't want to do no wrong your ok with me
but all them dudes out there who are trying to get harm and hurt people
watch out cause i'm about and i'm on fire
i'm gonna get you
i'm gonna come in from above and down
you can't run away from me i'm gonna hunt you, hunt you down
i'm coming down to get you now
So run boy run

i'm the latex man
i'm the latex man
i'm on fire
i'm the latex man
i'm dressed in red and i'm on fire Yeah!!
Run boy, Run
I like to chase i like to catch, i like to stop the crime
in the dark of night
just don't worry
cause i'm out there i'm gonna crime fight
i'm the latex man dressed in red and i'm on fire YEAH!!!
If Life is a dream then use your imagination

Just as  you think it can't rock anymore, it rocks some more. A great addition to any album Trev. Great job.............Willie
Boss BR-800


WOW!! Tom Waits meets The Cramps down a dark alley, they have a massive fight and this is the result! Brilliant, I agree the energy is fantastic and I love the vocal performance. Love the wacky keyboard solo, this whole thing is very, very cool, great collab Regs. I like the fact it's quite long as well because I really got into it. More please!!!



PS May I point out that this was my 5,000th post and I was very pleased it was this track that got it, right up my street.


Cor... what a wild ride! Getting a big Dr Feelgood vibe from this (which is funny, 'cause I was just looking at Fender's new Wilco Johnson tribute telecaster). It really rocks, and the instrumentation is fabulous. Your vocal has a brilliant grit and swagger that's perfect for the song. And those keyboard parts are stellar. Fantastic work!


Brilliant collab! I got a Cramps vibe on some spots, too! Really pro job on every way! Each minute is a worth of listening! Epic!


Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


This is really rocking. Your voice is perfect for this.

Boss BR-800


Thanks all for your ears...this was a lot of fun to do..FDR really knows his stuff....congrats on the 5000 Nigel pleased you spent it listening to this one...i don't know the Cramps i will have to check them out...Thanks again ;D
If Life is a dream then use your imagination


Holy crap, this is so cooler than cool...that's right it's Ice it's on freaking fire& it's got my blood boiling!
You are an improve lyric genius my brother!
Rock On!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely

andy casson

Holy red latex batman this is genius! Trev that has to be the best vox I have hread from you - tremendous and brilliant... and 8 & a half minutes!!!! I am never going to write a 4 min song and think it's too long again!
Bravo guys



Cheers Hook & Andy it was a lot of fun to do.....  ;D
If Life is a dream then use your imagination