When You Close Your Eyes

Started by Johnbee, September 17, 2013, 04:36:43 PM


When You Close Your Eyes
Hi Guys;

I know it's been a while.  Due to various issues like building a new house and some health issues I lost a bit of the inspiration for a time.  I recently bought Reason 7 by Propellerhead.  It's not the easiest program in the world but the challenge is kinda fun.  I managed to squeeze out a tune already.  Hope you'll check it out! :) ;)
I'll be listening and commenting on your tunes shortly.  ;)


Really nicely done. I love that descending chord pattern that comes in at 1:25 especially. It was a surprise when the vocal arrived, but it works very nicely. Left me wanting more! Some really interesting notes and chords make this a great listen.


Liking this a lot John. I've had it looping for a while and it's very atmospheric, I like the way it builds and the way the vocals build from the simple "when you close your eyes" at the start. Lovely melodies and nice combination of keyboard sounds.

Like you, I have been away for a while so it's good to see you back. I think I have a bone to pick with you though, IIRC it was you that recommended Samplitude to me (which I now use). You have now deserted that ship and upgraded to Reason :o Too complex for me definitely, but you seem to be getting to grips with it, this is very nicely produced.




I love the feel of your song! The arrangement is very professional; drums and non drum part has been put together very nicely! Can't say anythin what to do with another way! More than nice job!

Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


good to see and hear you again john, great post.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


Really nice John, I love the atmosphere, love that little Beatlesqe part and your vocal really puts icing on quite a delicious cake!
Rock On!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


You guys are all just the kindest.  Thanks so much for not only listening but also welcoming me back.   :)

@Ferryman-Not true that I'm abandoning the Samplitude ship.  I still have plans for that program.  I plan on using ALL my programs in my tunes in different ways.  Reason is a great program and you can do a lot with it (after you learn it) but it does have some limitations.  For instance, you cannot use third party plugins in it.  Your choices are limited to only what's in the program, but I plan on working around that by importing and exporting files from one app to another.  I have too much invested in Samplitude and the other programs I use with it to not use them.  Reason is just another part of my music making arsenal.  This particular song is 100% Reason, but that's only because I wanted to get familiar with it and see what I can do with it.  Subsequent projects will be hybrids.  Hope that makes you feel better.   ;)


Quote from: Johnbee on September 18, 2013, 07:29:02 PM@Ferryman-Not true that I'm abandoning the Samplitude ship.  I still have plans for that program.  I plan on using ALL my programs in my tunes in different ways.  Reason is a great program and you can do a lot with it (after you learn it) but it does have some limitations.  For instance, you cannot use third party plugins in it.  Your choices are limited to only what's in the program, but I plan on working around that by importing and exporting files from one app to another.  I have too much invested in Samplitude and the other programs I use with it to not use them.  Reason is just another part of my music making arsenal.  This particular song is 100% Reason, but that's only because I wanted to get familiar with it and see what I can do with it.  Subsequent projects will be hybrids.  Hope that makes you feel better.   ;)

Good to hear that John! I have made a little progress with Samplitude, I've started to use a few third party plugins, I just need a plug in to create more time so I can actually get something recorded!

Hi John, good to see you posting again and this is absolutely fabulous. At times it could be a newly discovered Beatle track from the Sergeant Pepper era but it most definitely a lovely piece  of work and the sound quality is superb. Bravo. Roscoe
Boss BR-800


This sounds really good. A lot of interesting parts here. I especially like the part at around 1.25 and again at 4.15.

Boss BR-800