BR600 Question

Started by badrail, September 07, 2013, 11:28:23 AM


Good Day! I previously recorded a song with a particular effects setting on the voice track. I recently changed the last verse and went to re-record the complete voice track, but I can't find what effect setting I originally had it on. It was a great effect, bright tone with a little reverb. I have the original loaded into the BR Library, but is there a way to open up those files to see what effect was used the first time??? I sure would like to have that same one again, the re-recording with {MIC>P40} is a little flat and dull sounding. Thanks in advance for any help!


The BR's files don't contain any record of which effects were used in the recordings. They only contain the current effects settings at the time the files were last updated. So, if you recorded your vocal track then immediately backed up the song, those settings will be restored when you restore the backup to a memory card. But, if after recording the vocal track you changed the effects settings (to record another track, for example), then the settings for the vocal track are lost.

To avoid this problem in the future, I recommend that you always save your effect patches in the Song Patch Bank, even if you're only using preset patches. The Song Bank patches are saved in the song folder. It doesn't save which patch was used with which track but you should be able to figure that out in most cases.

For example:

The Song Patch Bank for a new song defaults to copies of the Preset Patch Bank. So the first 10 guitar patches will be:

  • S001 JC Clean
  • S002 HiGainLd
  • S003 Over Drv
  • S004 Phased
  • S005 Crunch
  • S006 MS Strgt
  • S007 St WACK
  • S008 Ambient
  • S009 Voxy!
  • S010 St Metal

Let's say you've started by recording some rhythm guitar on track 1 using the preset patch P062 ClnTubes. Edit that patch and select WRITE. Set the destination to S001 and save the patch.

Now you record some bass guitar using preset patch P088 FLIPTOP. Write this patch to S002.

You record some lead guitar using preset patch P018 SWEET LD. Write this patch to S003.

For this simple example, we'll assume that's all of the effects we used for this song. To indicate this, edit patch S004 and change its name to "--------".

The Song Bank patch list will now look like this:

  • S001 ClnTubes
  • S002 FLIPTOP
  • S003 SWEET LD
  • S004 --------
  • S005 Crunch
  • S006 MS Strgt
  • S007 St WACK
  • S008 Ambient
  • S009 Voxy!
  • S010 St Metal

When you come back to this song weeks, months, or years later and you want to know which effects you used, just scroll through the Song Bank. Everything before "S004 --------" is an effect that you used.

Don't forget to do the same for the other effects banks (MIC, LIN, SML, and Mastering Toolkit).

You can also view the list of Song Bank patches in BR Explorer (the Effects tab of the Song Details section). For example, here's a screenshot of one of my songs in BR Explorer:

You can see at a glance that I used three effects on this song; "AcstSolo", "ClnTubes", and "Gt Pad".

It's also a good idea to have a pencil and some paper handy while you're recording so you can jot down notes about the recording, including which effects you used on each track. Later, you should enter those notes into BR Explorer (the Song Info tab of the Song Details section) so that they'll stay with the song data and not get lost.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


:...It's also a good idea to have a pencil and some paper handy while you're recording so you can jot down notes about the recording, including which effects you used on each track. Later, you should enter those notes into BR Explorer (the Song Info tab of the Song Details section) so that they'll stay with the song data and not get lost."

Hind sight is 20/20... That would be the easiest way to figure out which effect was used, I did not take the time to do that, but that will be commenced the next time I get ater another song. Thanks.

Is there any way to access any of the track/effect in the BR Library??? I have everything recorded copied to that program. Thanks again.