Do I need a Micro BR?

Started by Kody, February 26, 2009, 08:10:12 PM


It's a done deal!.........Oh man, I'm F'n Excited!!! Should be in my hands by early next week...ya ya ya!  This is gonna be cool 8)

Now I better get a charger and some rechargeable batteries---Walmart!!----I already have the PSA120 adapter so I should be set!!

LMAO!!This is too cool!!

P.S. Hey thanks everybody for talkin me down(<----sarcasm!)

But seriously, Thanks Guys-- I've heard some of all your guys' work, and I am most impressed and inspired to say the least-----looking forward to joining the club----I'll PM you my address so you can send me my secret decoder ring ;) jk

PreSonus Studio One



Oh man, I LOVE Ovaltine! :D :D :D

(it even says decoder ring on it!)

PreSonus Studio One


"90-proof pain, I shot at a time."  -George Molton


PreSonus Studio One


I don't have anything to compare it to either other than an old 4 track cassett record I have. I'm glad you took the jump.  Keep your ring shiny.  The first few weeks are hard but it is worth it.  I aslo took mine to the bar the other night and had everyone sing happy birthday and make bad remarks to a friend.  Easy to do with the size of this. And converting to mp3 made it easy to e-mail.  Opportunities just don't cease.  Of course the br was cheaper than some of the others and that definately influenced. me.  Can't wait  to hear you.

Flash Harry

In the words of that famous dog

Oh Yes.

We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.


Man.....I've been thinking for a couple days now.....And I have no clue as to which dog you're talking about ??? :P Hahaha

But Oh Yes indeed!! And in the words of the famous dog that I know and love so much:

SCooBY DooBy Doo!!! ;D
PreSonus Studio One


Well.... it just arrived!  Even the box is sexy!! But OOOoo, the MBR itself is all imagined it would be and more!! I like the sneaky little sdcard slot...The cool thing is that the menus and overall OS is almost identicle to the br900 that I know inside & out- minus the dial and faders....and it took me awhile to figure out how to return the demo song to Zero....but it was right there in the manual...I'm very much looking forward to my new journey...I can imagine many things I can do with this that I can't do with the br900!  This MBR could easily sell and IMO is worth way more than what I paid...Definately a happy camper!!! ;D Thanks guys!!
PreSonus Studio One


Hey! Congratulations! Can't wait for your first Micro post. What a cool toy, huh??!
"90-proof pain, I shot at a time."  -George Molton