New song "Where you are..."

Started by MrBud, July 19, 2013, 04:33:38 PM

cuthbert's what I meant to say...  ;D

Digging that rich-sounding piano, and you've got some really nice vocals and harmonies on it. I hear a bit of Lennon in it as well, both vocally and with your piano. And the song has an upbeat sound even with the subject matter - a sign of hope, perhaps?
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Adobe Audition


I thought the song seemed very upbeat, considering the subject matter. If I'm really honest there was a bit too much fx on the vox for me and I could hear some backing ooohs in there in my head.

You have such a great combination with the keys and your vocal tone - a definite keeper :D
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


 ;)  No problem  with song mix up ... I just kept wondering,,did the piano sound like a guitar??  And as far as " "Post-mortem"  was that the word  :] I thought "Ok gotta fix that !"  Understandable.
Thanks for listening though ,
Up And Adam

Tangled Wires

Very nice, it always amazes me how powerful just a piano and vocal can sound on a well written and performed song, and I guess the subject matter was a contributary factor in that too.

The vocal is sensational, as is the piano, and both have a real nice ambiance.

Seriously good this!

Boss Micro BR


Great tune. Love the piano work!


   Thanks very very much,,,the feedback I get here really keeps me going,and inspired enough to put me into action with the next good one,,  [very soon]
Thanks all,your opinions mean a lot !
Up And Adam