Copying tracks by USB to PC?

Started by Piscator, February 23, 2009, 06:36:20 PM

Greetings all,

I'm considering buying a Micro BR. The manual gives me the impression that one can only transfer completed stereo mixes of the Micro BR to a PC by USB. But I'd like to use the Micro BR for laying down several tracks with a view to mixing them on the PC.

So is it possible to copy individual tracks to the PC (ideally as wave files)?

Thanks for assisting. All replies much appreciated.




Tracks are stored in a proprietary Roland format, but the Micro BR can export any of the 32 tracks, singly or as a stereo pair, to a 16-bit, 44.1 kHz WAV file. So, yes, you can export any and all of the 32 tracks as WAV files and import them into a software DAW for mixing on the PC. However, on the Micro BR, you must export them one track or pair at a time.

Additionally, Roland offers a free program called BR Wave Converter 2.0 which can import/export WAV files. Many users prefer the BR Wave Converter program because it's faster, easier, and can export multiple tracks (as many as you care to select) in a single batch operation. For importing WAV files to the Micro BR, however, you can only select a single track or pair at a time, so each WAV file must be imported separately.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig

hmmm ... so it does what I want ...

Many thanks for the detailed and clear reply, "64Guitars".

Now I have two more reasons to buy a Micro BR: tracks can be transferred and there's great support from this forum! It's nice you have such a friendly and responsive user group when support is so lacking for so many rival products. Thanks again.  :)


Just listen to some of the stuff posted here and you'll realize what an awesome piece of kit the BR is. And there are many helpful folks that will ensure you realize its potential.

