BOSS Micro BR Documentation

Started by playbass, February 13, 2008, 02:36:06 AM

Hello all,

I have a general concern with the BOSS Micro BR documentation that also is the same for e.g. the BOSS GT-6(B) documentation.

The documents describe pure technical parameters e.g. for effect settings but do not have a word on "for what?".
For example there are mastering presets but not a single word on in which situation using what preset best.
Same applies to INSERT effect settings. There is a setting for the internal mic but what does it? Does the EQ setting in this preset assure flat frequency response from the internal mic or it is simple a matter of taste of the BOSS developer who developed that patch?
What did the BOSS developer had in mind for providing a given preset or did he configure it depending on the sun shining outside on that day he was doing the job?
The documentation is done in a way that it describes how to tweak the voltage delivered to your coffeemachine but not whats best to get a decent Espresso or Latte Macchiato. There are "coffee" presets but there is no description what kind of coffee is done. So you are left to select a patch and taste the coffee - "well, this could be the preset for Cappuchino!".
To me this is a mess.
How do others think about this?
Couldn't we place a documentation topic in here where members that are keen in recording place descriptions to the patches?


I agree with you in the sense that there could be a "for what" note on the Effects Parameters page. But let's see, we as users are perfectly able to experiment and create our own patches. It will take much more time to understand which parameter does what but with enough experimentation great results can be achevied.

Creating a thread about that is an excellent idea. I don't have great knowledge about effects parameters though.

PS: I think there are other BR documentation that have a "for what" note.