Letters [Memorial Day]

Started by vincent, May 27, 2013, 11:55:47 AM


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just one story, I give tribute to all our servicemen and women...all nations.

posted this because it is  Memorial Day

one person i talked with, He lost his wife, and his little girl lost her mother,  he told me still today he writes her letters, and his little girl still wants to write her mother. The conversation was emotional..I had a tough time writing this lyric...I had a tendency to over write.



Beautiful, touching song. Your vocal is so full of emotion. Thank you for posting.

Boss BR-800


Oh my Lord this is stunning . . .

song info from youtube
vocals Jason Roller - Magic Shack Studios
lyrics/melody - Lane Vincent

Are you playing the guitars?

I read somewhere that if you make a gift for your loved ones here on earth that they receive a representation of that gift in heaven, be it flowers on a grave, a letter, a song etc. What a lovely idea.
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


A beautiful touching song....Bravo
If Life is a dream then use your imagination


thank you all for taking time to give this a listen.

Haylie, yes I play all the melody, and lead if there is any and give it to the studio.
I do sing, and when it is with emotion I have to give Jason all the credit I can. He listens to me sing
[I am Hurt] and he sings I am hurt with that same kind of emotion. I wanted this song simple, acoustic, and clean.
just a small bit of lead following the melody. I`m pretty easy on the people I work with, I don`t have a ton of songs...lol
Right now I`m working on a song, kinda generic music, a little bland but if I get someone to "power in to it with voice,
it will give more attention to that rather than that generic melody. I`m taking a little heat over the lyric because its imperfect rhyme, I`m not completely happy with all the lyric. Want to help!...lol
this is way more than you wanted to know I bet.  thank you all again for commenting.


Touching and beautiful...and so melodic! Rich sounding guitars and top class job on performing! Wow!!

Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR



Quote from: vincent on May 28, 2013, 11:31:10 PMHaylie, yes I play all the melody, and lead if there is any and give it to the studio.
I do sing, and when it is with emotion I have to give Jason all the credit I can. He listens to me sing
[I am Hurt] and he sings I am hurt with that same kind of emotion. I wanted this song simple, acoustic, and clean.
just a small bit of lead following the melody. I`m pretty easy on the people I work with, I don`t have a ton of songs...lol
Right now I`m working on a song, kinda generic music, a little bland but if I get someone to "power in to it with voice,
it will give more attention to that rather than that generic melody. I`m taking a little heat over the lyric because its imperfect rhyme, I`m not completely happy with all the lyric. Want to help!...lol

Thanks for replying, don't ever let anyone tell you how to write a song or how it should be - the fact it's different is usually what makes it special. If I can't get it right with a song, I find it's best to leave it and come back to it again at a later date. If after a couple of goes and it's still not right (for me) I usually bin it (all the ideas are still there to be filtered through at some point).

Happy to help out, if you want to pm me, as long as I get writing credit :D
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça