About Bounce Recording (how many tracks can I bouce?)

Started by guitarchik, February 20, 2009, 07:15:58 PM


So, I was recording a song. I recorded three tracks; two guitar and one vocals. If I get an answer to either of these it would be helpful; how do I export all of the three tracks as one song? or how do I bounce record them all into one track (i know how to export one track, and i know how to bounce two tracks into one, and then export that. ) but how do I take all three tracks and eventually get a hard mp3 format of the song? ??? thank you for any help, i love knowing that i'll get something here.  :)


Sounds to me you're ready to master. Press EXIT/UTILITY until it says master. Listen to your song hit EFFECTS and scroll through the master presets until you find the one you like(ensure it says ON in the bottom left). If you're happy with your levels,rewind,record,play and when the song finishes press stop. You now get the option to export as an mp3. When this is done you can move it to your PC  ;D
Hope this is of help  8)
He's not the messiah he's a very naughty boy!


So I did that and was about to export it, but it seemed as though it was only gonna export track 1 and 2..the tracks i bounced together.. WIll it export track 1,2 and 3?


Quote from: guitarchik on February 22, 2009, 08:10:32 PMSo I did that and was about to export it, but it seemed as though it was only gonna export track 1 and 2..the tracks i bounced together.. WIll it export track 1,2 and 3?

The mastered song is a stereo (2 track) mixdown of whatever tracks you had turned on when you started the mastering process.  So, Tracks 1,2,3 could be mastered to a stereo pair of tracks with whatever mastering effects you applied.  The, you export that result to a WAV or MP3 in the next step.


Quote from: AlchemyMN on February 22, 2009, 08:59:51 PMSo, Tracks 1,2,3 could be mastered to a stereo pair of tracks with whatever mastering effects you applied.  The, you export that result to a WAV or MP3 in the next step.

I can't get my recorder to select all three tracks. Is there a button or special step that I am missing...both track 1 and 2 are bounced together. So when I push track 1 both are blinking. but i cannot push track 3 and keep the other two. What am i doing wrong?


Starting with three tracks recorded (Let's say T1V1, T2V1, T3V1), you can get to the mp3 stage a number of ways.

1.  Bounce all three tracks to a stereo track - say T12V2 - and then export that stereo track as an mp3 file (although you could export it as a WAV file if you don't need the compression).  For bouncing and V-tracks, read the document with that title on 64guitars homepage.  http://www.geocities.com/sixtyfourguitars/BossBr/Tutorials/V-Tracks_and_Bouncing.html

2.  Bounce all three tracks to a stereo track and master it and then convert it to an mp3 or WAV file.  For mastering, read the manual from p.76.

3.  Export each track individually as a WAV/mp3 file and then reassemble them in your computer and convert the whole thing to an mp3 file there. For exporting, read the manual from p.112.

Unless you want to do anything specific in the mastering process, option 1 is probably the easiest.  Option 2 isn't anymore difficult but you get to make further adjustment to your sound.  Option 3 doesn't strike me as a great choice unless you want to do specific things with your computer software (Ableton, Audacity, Garageband, whatever). 

It all depends on what you want the final thing to be.  Good luck.


I chose number 1. Only one problem; i can not figure out how to bounce record three tracks onto one v-track. I can bounce two together. But how do i bounce three onto one???



You can't bounce or master into "one".

Bouncing will let you condense 1,2,3, or 4 tracks into a "stereo" pair. As will mastering. You will always be left with 2 tracks after doing either. A stereo set of tracks (1&2), that then can be exported to an MP3 (which is in stereo).

As to your other question above... you cannot select 3 or 4 tracks at the same time, you can only select 1&2, 3&4, or a single 1-4 by itself.


Quote from: guitarchik on February 25, 2009, 11:52:43 PMI chose number 1. Only one problem; i can not figure out how to bounce record three tracks onto one v-track. I can bounce two together. But how do i bounce three onto one???

When you bounce, the MBR chooses the four recording tracks to bounce.  That is, if you have recorded T1V1, T2V1, T3V1 and you bounce, it will bounce those three and T4V1.  It always takes all four.  If you have recorded a track somewhere and it isn't bouncing then I can't help because I don't know what is going on.

Try identifying the tracks that you have recorded on and then it might be possible to work out what has happened.


Quote from: guitarchik on February 25, 2009, 11:52:43 PMI chose number 1. Only one problem; i can not figure out how to bounce record three tracks onto one v-track. I can bounce two together. But how do i bounce three onto one???

In bounce mode, all four tracks are always included. It is not possible to exclude any of the tracks from the mix. However, you can lower the level of a track so that it isn't heard in the mix. Or, you can select an empty v-track for one or more of the tracks which would result in that track being silent in the mix.

If you're only getting two tracks in a bounce, it's either because you've selected empty v-tracks for the other two tracks, or you've reduced the track levels to minimum. Make sure the track levels are set correctly for each of the three tracks that you want to include in your bounce, and set the 4th unwanted track to minimum level. You should also set the Rhythm level to minimum or turn off the Rhythm, unless this bounce is to be your final 2-track master from which you'll export to a WAV or MP3 file. Then check your v-track settings to make sure that each of the three desired tracks are set to the v-tracks containing the recorded data you wish to include in the bounce (ie; not empty). See page 40 of the Micro BR manual, 3rd edition.

You said that you want to bounce three tracks into one. Although this is possible, it's not usually desirable. If you want your final mix to be stereo, then you should select a pair of tracks for the bounce destination (1&2 or 3&4). You should also set the pan of each track before you bounce so that you can place each track in the desired location between the left and right stereo channels. See pages 50 and 51 for more information about bouncing, and page 44 for panning.

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