Sex Dinosaur Part 1 - Northern Harbour

Started by bruno, May 18, 2013, 08:10:48 AM


Track 183 - Sex Dinosaur Part 1
Something different.
Me and Paul are going to do some gigs under the banner of Sex Dinosaur - these are Paul's songs. I'm adding some guitar and guitar synth embelishment. So we have a gig in 2 weeks time, so are panicking a bit. Decided to record them quickly, so we know what we are doing. This is the first of a few. Basically a quick play thru to get the structure - so very much a beta version, rather than a polished finished article. Hope you like, and wish us luck :-)

Boss BR-1600

andy casson

I really enjoyed this Mr B - wonderful feel to it! And some great ad hoc guitar work going on! Where are you playing? Might see if I can get a pass for the night and bring the boy if he is around


andy casson

Sex Dinosaur!? You're an Enterprise Architect for crying out loud!!!!!


Haha - that's Paul's idea, nothing to do with me :-)

We are playing in Basingstoke BTW - will let you know dates and place :-)

Boss BR-1600


Great song. Nice guitars

Boss BR-800


So pleased to hear you're gigging again Bruno, best of luck with it xx
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça

kenny mac

Forgive my Ignorance Bruno,who,s Paul ?


Cool song, great guitars!
Sex Dino On!

Quote from: kenny mac on May 18, 2013, 07:12:40 PMForgive my Ignorance Bruno,who,s Paul ?
I don't know Kenny but I just can't forgive your ignorance! ;D

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


 ;D Thanks all.

Kenny - Paul is a friend in the Village, we have been collaborating on music for years - I've posted some other collab tracks in the past (

Have been trying to get Paul to join SC's for a while.

"Sex Dinosaur" is Paul's concept and songs - which are very catchy and typically electronic tunes. Its quite a distinct and different sound (not many doing this type of music in Open Mikes) - and seems to go down great with audiences. Paul was setting up and running local open mikes, however general apathy/no shows etc kind of asked the question "why?", so we've thought we'd go for a more of a set thing. Now we have a gig, and we need to make sure we know what we are doing.

I did record Part 2, and then managed not to save the song (the 1600 doesn't give you a second change if you press "no" by accident and then reloads the empty song - arhhhhggg). Will have to redo, nutz!

Boss BR-1600


Quote from: bruno on May 19, 2013, 12:56:23 AMNow we have a gig, and we need to make sure we know what we are doing.

it's not with Loz is it (coz I'm doing that one!)
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça