"Postcards" - new original by Olaf Stando

Started by olafgoesraawr, May 03, 2013, 01:45:07 PM


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Hello everyone,

This is my new song called "Postcards", I wrote it yesterday, within half an hour or so, and I thought I might record it and see what a bunch of experts like you guys thinks!

It's a song about meeting someone new and then being away from them - hopefully it's not cheesy at all, because I tried to avoid going down such route :)

I know, the recording quality is very mediocre - I am set to buy myself a decent Shure microphone this week (at last!), so next songs will sound better!

I'll appreciate any feedback. And if you like it, please share it around.


Thanks, and enjoy your weekend!

Acoustic/indie folk singer-songwriter, 17, London, UK.

Married to music.

Youtube - www.youtube.com/olafgoesraawr
Twitter - @olafstando
Facebook - Olaf Stando
Email - olafgoesraawr@gmail.com


Interesting tune, I like your chorus (compass lines) alot. For the money you'll shell out for that mic you could probably get a used mbr (w/built in mic), you would probably get alot more out of that than just a mic.
Rock On!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


Thanks very much, it means a lot!
The whole thing only took me about 30 minutes overall, so I'll gradually improve and polish it when I play more and more.

I'm getting a used (but in a great condition) Shure SM58 for £45, so that's not bad, is it?

Which MBR would you recommend though? :)
Acoustic/indie folk singer-songwriter, 17, London, UK.

Married to music.

Youtube - www.youtube.com/olafgoesraawr
Twitter - @olafstando
Facebook - Olaf Stando
Email - olafgoesraawr@gmail.com


whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


Nice song Olaf. I agree with the others, getting a BR recorder is a great idea. You will be able to record your nice songs with good sound.

Boss BR-800


Thanks for the feedback everyone!
I've heard that BOSS is indeed boss when it comes to audio recording, so I'll definitely considering getting one soon.

Acoustic/indie folk singer-songwriter, 17, London, UK.

Married to music.

Youtube - www.youtube.com/olafgoesraawr
Twitter - @olafstando
Facebook - Olaf Stando
Email - olafgoesraawr@gmail.com


The guitar reminds me of the sound of Bon Iver. Which is a good thing in my book. Keep up the good work. I've never used the SM 58 but I've used the SM57 and it's great for vocal and guitar.

Lounging McCoy

Good stuff.  I liked the song and I didn't think the recording was too bad at all.

Farrell Jackson

A very decent song and performance Olaf!

An SM58 is great all around dynamic mic for recording and live work. The advice about getting a used MBR is good advice. Especially since it has the built in condenser mic. Condenser mics, in general, are more sensitive than dynamic mics and better suited for vocals but they require phantom power. The MBR has all that included onboard plus many more goodies for recording and mixing. The guys here (not me, lol) can answer any questions you have about the Boss recorders. They know how to use theirs for the maximum benefit.

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, three.....is this mic on?