Burning Knowledge - a song about the downfall of culture

Started by olafgoesraawr, April 10, 2013, 01:10:22 PM


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Hi all,

Sorry for the distinct lack of posting - I have been the victim of a grammar school's workload for the past couple of days/weeks - my AS exams come up real soon!

So anyway, this is a song I wrote and recorded just now - it describes the deterioration of our society and the downfall of culture, sparked by tabloids, Katie Price and "yolo swag"

Please, please, please tell me what you think. Any feedback from you experienced (and less experienced) people is really appreciated :)

Thank you!

Acoustic/indie folk singer-songwriter, 17, London, UK.

Married to music.

Youtube - www.youtube.com/olafgoesraawr
Twitter - @olafstando
Facebook - Olaf Stando
Email - olafgoesraawr@gmail.com