The Day the Old Me Died

Started by Will23, March 21, 2013, 07:08:05 PM


Verse 1
I didn't know what to expect, wasn't really sure how to feel.
But I knew my love for America was as steadfast as it was real.
It was just as intense as the adrenaline running crazy through my veins.
You can take all the medals off my chest, my American heart is what remains.

I've never seen hell before, but for me hell broke loose that day.
The day after I land, my brother's gone, now somebody's gonna pay.
I can hear every heartbeat, hearts bout to bust out of my chest.
We're gonna take out the enemy, gonna lay these fools to rest.
Brother I'm here, you'll never be forgotten.
I'll do my best to fight relentlessly day and night, again and again.
A war rages within me since you've gone, just like the war outside.
But the war that rages on in me, started The Day the Old Me Died.

Verse 2
Been the bearer that the fallen fell, to a few families.
I've done with my hands and seen with my eyes, things I pray my son never sees.
God, please don't let me take for granted, my brothers sacrifice.
Thank the families of those who served, they pay just as steep a price.

There are times when the calm, the desert silence, can be deafening.
But as the thunder rolls and the lightning strikes, may the sound of freedom ring.

Chorus structure is highly unusual, but that's how the inspiration went.  Gladly welcome feedback.  Thanks for taking the time to read and post.


Great title, love it!

The job of the artist is to deepen the mystery - Francis Bacon

English by birth, Brummie by the Grace of God

Boss Micro BR


Thank you very much.  I appreciate you not only taking the time to read it but taking the time to post your response as well.


Hey Will great lyrics... Love the story line (Been there... got the T-shirt) ... I'm sure someone will pick up on this and make something out of it!!!
Tascam DP-24