Just an Ordinary Man

Started by The Gobi Desert Canoe Club, March 09, 2013, 11:04:52 AM

Just an Ordinary Man
Hi all, stepped a little way out of the comfort zone for this. Not sure what the genre is but who cares, here it comes anyway. Hope you like.................Willie

Scared of flying
Like my feet on the ground
Scared of dying
If i'm on the ground
Scared of pain
I don't want it again

Scared of love
I don't want to be hurt
Lord above
You know I can't trust those girls
Scared od pain
I don't want it again
You know I do what I can
I'm  just an ordinary man
You know I do what I can
I'm just an ordinary man

Scared of laughing
It might give you away
Scared of smiling
I don't do much anyway
Scared of pain
I don't want it again

Inst, 1st verse, Outro
Boss BR-800

kenny mac

Nice one willie,nice groove,good stuff,nice production.


I really like this. Love the "funky" guitar in my right ear at the verses.
It doesn't sound like you are out of your comfort zone at all.
This is great.

Boss BR-800


Great song, a lovely blend of guitars, very enjoyable listen, well done.
"The universe is a million billion light-years wide, and every inch of it would kill you if you went there. This is the position of the universe with regards to human life." ― Martin Amis




Great sound and song. Love the vocal...has that Tom Petty coolness and those guitars sound amazing. I dig this big time!


Sounds to me like a snug fit too Willie....loving those guitars and that vocal.....gets the Oooh yeah from over here.....
If Life is a dream then use your imagination

Hi and thank you all, my confidence needed a little boost and you've provided it. Once more SC comes to the rescue. THank you Willie
Boss BR-800


This sounds like you are real comfortable to me Willie.
I like the groove you have going on here.
I know what you mean I hate genre labels,
Most songs don't fit into a neat category at least the songs I write don't,
I let the song take me where it wants to go and it is usually a combination of genres.

Nice work, great rhythm guitar and I like the distorted guitar that comes in on the chorus.

"Rock is dead they say, Long Live Rock, be it dead or alive"    P. Townsend


This is that genre from 1979 that never got a name, when great rock bands (and even some punk bands) tried to be just a little bit dance-oriented to ride the disco wave, but not so much that their fans would hate them for it. You know what I mean. Some pulled it off well, others not so much: "I Was Made for Lovin' You," "Another Brick in the Wall," "Train in Vain," "Heart of Glass," "Dance the Night Away."

(I research my comments a little too much. No spreadsheet this time, though.)

I'm a fan, and I don't hate you for this. So you pulled it off. Love the menacing guitar.

Blackout Bump - week of 9 March, 2013
Boss Micro BR
GarageBand for Mac


Great bump hard to believe it has been almost 10 years thanks for the memories
Life is not about the number of Breathes you take, it is the amount of times your breathe is taken away