Care in the community

Started by thetworegs, February 02, 2013, 09:04:48 AM


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Reg is fed up with being judged on his mental health.....track no3 for the RPM......
I've been shaken down to what i really am
and i am really nothing like you or you or you you

you shake me down to make me believe that i am odd if i am not like you
as i look further in i see through the glass and see into the fabric of you
i realize the fear inside eminates from people who are judging just like you 
"Have you seen him he's odd...just that slice short of a loaf..I'd have nothing to do with him....Have you heard he's just come out of the asylm ...again"

It's people like you who have no  humanity
its people like you who who shed their blame
it's people like you judging and tormenting believing you can never be broken
and let me tell you its easy to be broken*

lets just imagine that the jobs gone bad
that there ain't no job or no money coming in
That the wife's got sick and she's dying where would you begin
imagine everything that you love and believe in is broken
will you still judge will you show yourself to have some compassion
I've been shaken down to what i really am
and i am really nothing like you or you or you you
you have shaken me down to make me believe that i am odd if i am not like you
well i' m not like you i've been broken
i know the other side of that door
Care in the community
Music & Lyrics Reg
If Life is a dream then use your imagination

Farrell Jackson

Some very poignant lyric Regs. I like the multi layered vocals and the way you've produced them. The Mid Eastern sounding percussion works well to keep the flow going. Good work!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, this mic on?


I can't get it to play at the mo Reggie, will come back to it later. Very powerful lyrics - we are all one step away from mental illness, one turn, one twist of fate. Don't judge someone, until you've walked in their shoes and survived.

Keep em coming hun . . .

Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


That's a first class lyric, well done, the percussion is great too, overall a very interesting piece of music that fits perfectly with the subject matter.   
"The universe is a million billion light-years wide, and every inch of it would kill you if you went there. This is the position of the universe with regards to human life." ― Martin Amis



This is some seriously important lyrics.
The music emphasizes the message.

Boss BR-800


Oh I finally got to listen and I loved it. Honest, emotive, interesting, layered, speaky, percussive and well produced - all rounded up into a song you enjoy listening to - you are very talented Reggie.
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça