New project, new song.... anyone want to add?

Started by dragonshade, February 10, 2009, 12:09:56 PM


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Hiya guys, some GREAT work coming through the group!!! Wonderful stuff everyone!!

I wanted to share a new project, maybe get some input, and hopefully get a couple of you guys to have a go at this.

I have a guy I work with who lays down beats, and some synth. He is playing the hip-hop genre, but likes the heaviness that guitar brings to music, and has been recruiting me to make some music with him. I guess it kinda makes it a heavy metal/club/hiphop mix style of music. Now that I have my MBR (and have been sharing stuff at work), he has REALLY been on me lol.

Last night I took a break from another original I am brewing up, and listened closely to his disc (maybe 7 tracks). One track really jumped out at me, so I started recording.... loved the heavy feel of it. Had to finally get in bed after the melody (2 guitars panned), and a harmony part was done (1 guitar center channel). I'll be going back over this and working it more... BUT, I would love to hear bass on this (don't have a bass yet), and if a solo comes to anyone's mind I'd also love to hear your "take" on it.

Yes, I know it's a bit (ok maybe more than a bit) repetitive, but it is "club" music, and ya know how that can be. Still, I am REALLY digging this.

Please feel free to play with this, I have cleared it with my buddy, he would also like to see other peoples' take on it. Hope to hear from you guys.


***PLEASE NOTE: I have removed the orignal file from this to make room for later versions of it in this thread. You will find a recent more current copy on the last page. ***


This is an interesting clash of guitars and electro - could be a great song with some tasty bass thrown into the mix. I think you've caught the 'bug' here that makes you listen to music in a whole different way - i.e. thinking about what others could add to your songs to change the dynamic. It's all good.  ;)


Boss BR-600
Boss Micro BR
Cakewalk SONAR
iPad GarageBand


Keep it Phat 'n' Tasty


I really like the hiphop and heavy guitar sound (tone) together.. very good and different ..
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800


haha, i woud'nt even know where to start :P
be kinda tricky adding other stuff unless its bass or keyboards.
nice guitar tone!

Heavy Metal all the WAY!
Oh yea... bodybuilding too :D


Hey thanks Greeny.... yes the "bug" has got me bad lol. I have ALWAYS wanted to be able to record, now I just need to get to be a better player  :P

Guitarron.... AWESOME, can;t wait to see what you do!!!

Raz... Hey thanks man  ;), you rock dude.

godinqc... Cool, thanks for the opinion. I really want to hear peoples idea of this (trying to put it in front of as many as we can), I'm into it.

GM.... DAMMIT!!! lol  ;) I was hoping you'd have a go. That shredding you did was so strong man.

We had company over last night so I had precious little playing time. I had some ideas bouncing around for a solo for this. I personally am not the best soloist. My theory is too weak, especially to construct a solo. Still.... I shall try. I only managed the very beginning intro (about 10 seconds). I wanted an ascending run hitting the root, and following the end of the harmony, but higher. I have this much. I plan (tonight) to add a second very similiar run (you should hear where it will go) ending again at the harmony section ... from there it will spin off, ride alone... coming back to roll with the harmony in spots. Again, though everyone I would love to hear your solo or take on it.

Here is the beginning I mentioned, I edited the file as it fades in a few seconds before and fades out a few after. Damn, I wish I had better skills.

(file removed to make more room for later additions)


you know, i think if i added a solo, it would just Destroy this fine piece of art!
So yea, i think all it really needs is a mean bass line and keyboards.
Sound pretty damn guud i reckon  ;D
Heavy Metal all the WAY!
Oh yea... bodybuilding too :D


This is very cool. The crossover works fine and you should develop this further. Altho the beat's repetitive, you could introduce some variety with the guitar parts. Nothing complex, perhaps a few drop outs here and there. Doesn't need much more, just a bit of light and shade. It really works well, very imaginitaive - work more with your buddy.



Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR


Quote from: dragonshade on February 11, 2009, 09:06:11 AMWe had company over last night so I had precious little playing time. I had some ideas bouncing around for a solo for this. I personally am not the best soloist. My theory is too weak, especially to construct a solo. Still.... I shall try. I only managed the very beginning intro (about 10 seconds). I wanted an ascending run hitting the root, and following the end of the harmony, but higher. I have this much. I plan (tonight) to add a second very similiar run (you should hear where it will go) ending again at the harmony section ... from there it will spin off, ride alone... coming back to roll with the harmony in spots. Again, though everyone I would love to hear your solo or take on it.

Here is the beginning I mentioned, I edited the file as it fades in a few seconds before and fades out a few after. Damn, I wish I had better skills.

Should''ve listened to this before my previous post! This is just the kind of thing it needs to add some depth. Heavy soloing would be over the top IMO. Give us the updated full version soon, it sounds good.



Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR