This is my Uptempo Song

Started by Hilary, December 30, 2012, 09:38:01 AM


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Well what can I say about this one . . . . contains adult language

Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


That was, as they say, a "hoot"!


I like this - great song writing and excellent production / execution. I really like this! Clever and catchy!


Chezey - I spit on your Rubicobb with my chocolate willy lollipop - ha ha - both firsts for Songcrafters me thinks forsooth.

Chris - oh thanks honey (would like a solution to the tinny guitar though)

that was quick boys - thanks :)
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


HI Haylie happy new year ..really enjoyed this song..very
creative songwriting.. do u recall a singer by the name of
JONI MITCHEL. you songwriting reminds me of her and or
JUDY COLLIN.s great listen enjoyed. feel free to u tube
those singer s cheers NEIL .!


Haylie, how are recording your guitar? It sounds like an acoustic to me. So the choices seem to be microphone, piezo, or a soap bar pick up. I have one of these Dean Markley humbucking sound hole pick ups

Sometimes I use it and the piezo on my 12 string on two different channels to get a stereo sound. IN general I'm happy with both - and I've never been too happy with a microphone.


Oh thanks Neil - I've been compared to Judy Collins before - happy new year to you too :)

Chris - it's recorded simultaneously vox and acoustic (I don't play anything else) on the internal mics - then I double tracked the vox and added the harmony. If I was really bothered I could record it separately directly into the BR but I like the feel of a live recording. One day I'll upgrade then I can record simultaneously into 2 different lines.
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


Hi Haylie, do you mean the BR's internal mics (I'm assuming they have those)


Hehehe!! Fabulous! What a fantastic tune - your songwriting reminds me of Tim Minchin, your vocal reminds me of Joni Mitchell. Thanks for sharing, Haylie, I always enjoy listening to your tunes!
Good job!!

Sash xx


Chris - yes they are the BR internal mics (I sent you a pm)

MusicB - I've been compared to Tim Minchin before (twice in one day) - thanks it's a huge compliment (I perform comedy songs locally - or try to!) - I've always thought it might be funny to sing an upbeat song with sad lyrics and vice versa - this wasn't my intention when I recorded this but I'm seriously thinking of giving it a go with a few ad libs thrown in  ??? Watch this space, it's all in the delivery!
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça