Yuletide Guff

Started by Chezedog, December 22, 2012, 12:06:41 PM


Yuletide Guff
Words & Music by Chezedog
Yuletide Guff

you can't find decorations
ain't yet bought a tree
get your nog together, pal
or there will be no glee
watch your step this holiday
things quickly get rough
'cuz it just ain't christmas
without some yuletide guff

Yuletide Guff
it's fresh and hot
Yuletide Guff
you'll get a lot
Yuletide Guff
it will not halt
Yuletide Guff
it's all your fault

six and one half hours
to put the lights outside
that does not mean, however
that now you get to slide
you're lacking tree-light talent
but you may not act gruff
'cuz it just ain't christmas
without some yuletide guff

tradition is tradition
yours ain't to ask why
shut up and get to work
bake that freakin' pie
and do it each and every year
don't wanna?  hey, that's tough
'cuz it just ain't christmas
without some yuletide guff


Come back CD - Christmas won't be the same without you!
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


A great job.. a good original piece of music..liked
how u did the vocal.s and a good solid production
on the music.. wish u the best Neil

andy casson

I enjoyed this CD, especially as we are fast appraching that time of year again...and I will be porr for 3 months after!
Has a great David Byrne groove!