In My Dreams /// in memory of Ethan James Imaan Ali-Mokbul

Started by Nelson, December 14, 2012, 06:17:45 PM


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This song was inspired by our friend Tharek and is dedicated to the memory of his baby son, Ethan, who sadly passed away, at 20 days old, earlier this year.
Through his poetry, songs and musings Tharek has unselfishly allowed us to share in the anticipation of the birth of little Ethan and the joy of welcoming him into their family.
Needless to say, the message of the sudden passing of Ethan was utterly heart breaking. My message of condolence felt grossly inadequate in expressing my feelings. I can't remember exactly what I wrote but the main thrust of it was that little Ethan lives on in the hearts and minds of friends and family and as I now know, even in the memories of those of us who only knew of him, through his father.
Ethan short life has inspired an amazing spurt of creativity in Tharek, who has in turn motivated and inspired me.
And for that I'm thankful to them both.

Instruments: Thumbjam for the strings, keyboard and Classical guitar

In My Dreams
Music and Lyrics by Nelson
I'm sitting here surrounded by loving friends and family, still I feel so alone.
No amount of well-wishing can replace what I'm missing, how am I to carry on?
My heart feels forsaken. My faith has been shaken and just as I'm falling apart.
My senses grow crisper then I hear you whisper, I'll be your light through the dark.

And I believe you're still here with me.
I feel your loving warmth by my side.
And it seems, we are destined to be
Together, forever in my dreams.

They say time heals all,  eventually bringing down these walls of pain that, confine me now.
I really want to be strong, pick up the pieces and soldier on but I just don't know how.
Brave face, facade of armor, begins to fail and pull me under but just as I'm falling apart.
The night winds grow crisper, then, I hear you whisper, I'll be your light through the dark.

And I believe you're still here with me.
I feel your loving warmth by my side.
And it seems, we are destined to be
Together, forever in my dreams.

Never, known as real religious man...
Never, prone to chasing footsteps in the sand...
A real straight shooter, so you know where I stand...
I trust what I see and can touch with my hands...

But I believe you're still here with me.
I feel your loving warmth by my side.
And it seems, we are destined to be
Together, forever in my dreams.
Boss BR-600


I listened this yesterday via Mr. Nelson's fb-player. Great song inspired by little Ethan. Very touching lyrics and music! Thumbjam cello sounds fantastic on the extremely beautiful music. You've done fine job, Nelson!

Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


Wow! Great song! Vox, lyrics, and musicianship is absolutely beautiful! T a beautiful tribute! Amazing

Tangled Wires

Can't really put into words how stunning and heartfelt this is Nelson.

You have surpassed yourself once again, its a wonderful tribute.

Boss Micro BR


If Life is a dream then use your imagination


Yes beautiful, a fitting tribute. I have to say Tharek's song, Ethan's Song, moved me so much, that it's something I will carry with me forever. I couldn't articulate how I felt at the time.

Peace, love and light to you all x
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


The comfort This track gives me is hard to articulate.

Thank you Brother.

I am humbled that the Little one was able to inspire this.

Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR
OsCKilO websites:  MySpace  SoundClick  ReverbNation
OsCKilO Albums:  "Masks"  "Easy London"

Also on Twitter for Live stuff..
Divert and sublimate your anger and potentially virulent emotions to creative energy


Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Adobe Audition

Flash Harry

Here we go, I haven't heard this yet, but knowing your fabulous voice Nelson, and being aware of Tharek's loss and the way that he has continued to deal with it, I'm anticipating something extraordinary. So here goes.....


Superbly put together.  Vocal is spot on. Arrangement is spot on. Sentiment is pitched perfectly.

We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.