COSM com[pressor on micro BR-80...

Started by Daniel Storey, December 12, 2012, 08:28:29 AM


living on a prayer MP3
Well I've tried it and I like it  ;D - here's a sample of Living on a Prayer I'm doing for the acousticfest - can't post the whole thing up yet as in my infinate wisdom I decided to pick the middle strings all the way through and my brain hasn't told my fingers yet.

Thanks very much - I need to buy you a Rode now, so that you can sort that out for me too  :D
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça

Daniel Storey

Wow that arrangement is awesome, kudos.... and yep the sound is pretty darn good i think, i like big compressed noise, i'm a child of the Mark Owen mis-school, my record is louder than yours (and i only have an acoustic :P) Na na na na an
With little practice i find myself playing INTO the fx, something a local engineer told me to snorkel..... It works well that way. help s me also connect the vocal fold and crescendo into the note i'm singing, something i'd rather not do, and am working hard to amend.

Obviously take or leave the reverbs and fx, but bear in mind i am using them also to increase the perceived volume of the track. Too much reverb seems to quieten the sound in conjunction with thw comp. But a random sweep through should find the (high volume) equilibrium
Boss BR-80

You can find me on facebook if you like my sounds = Danielstoreymusic

"There is a tale to be told about the outside world."


Thanks, I'm really pleased with the sound, it's very different for me! I had to put the internal sensitivity to -10 (what is yours?) and fiddle with the positioning and volume because of peaking and may well have been a bit cautious with the volume - by the time I finally get something right on the guitar I don't want to have to bin it because of peaking!

There's a full version on here now which I recorded in the dining room - this one was done in the bedroom propped up on pillows (the BR not me :)) - the full one's going to need to be redone at some stage as there's some background hissing I think coz I propped the BR up against my laptop, even though it was switched off
- sounds like white noise - oooh I'm going all tecchie ha ha!

I did find myself singing to the fx which was a first for me - some of the phrasing and the way I finished some of the notes.

Thanks once again, I'd never have worked that lot out in a million years!

Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça

Daniel Storey

:D I had never even looked at input sensitivity....  :D

You have just unlocked more doors... this makes ALL the diff... happy setting day here, I'll report back...
Boss BR-80

You can find me on facebook if you like my sounds = Danielstoreymusic

"There is a tale to be told about the outside world."