Dangerously Lazy

Started by Lounging McCoy, October 21, 2012, 07:41:57 AM

Lounging McCoy

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This song was my step-daughter's idea.  My wife says it's auto-biographical.   :-\

Dangerously Lazy
H. Owen

(verse 1)
People tell me get a job
But I don't want a job
I just want to party, party
They say I dress like a slob
T-shirts and sweat pants
That's just my style
If you want to know how good life can be
Skip work and hang out with me

I'm dangerously lazy
People say I'm crazy
They think I'm out of line
Napping all the time
I don't care what people think about me
I'm happy and I'm free

(verse 2)
We'll play a video game
I have the newest one
And we'll watch some TV, TV
We'll go to the ball game
I know a way to sneak in
We can watch for free
I'll bring the good times and you bring the snacks
No doubt about it we're gonna relax


Hey friend can you help me out?
I need a place to stay
The couch is fine, a pallet on the floor
I won't be in the way

(verse 3)
I need to get myself a girl
But not just any girl
One with lots of money, money
I'll give the rich life a whirl
Cadillacs and caviar
Sounds good to me
She'll have the funds and she'll have the friends
I'll have the free time so the party never ends




Enjoyed this. It's a thouroughly good romp.
Your deadpan straight forward vocals suit it too.

Looking forward to the next one


WOW really fun song superb lyrics and true to life
at time. i enjoyed it . cheers NEIL . !


Nice one!! The lead guitar is simple, but very catchy!!

Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


Fun tune. I love that the title phrase and the last verse was my mantra in High School!
Rock On!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely