Tell me a Story

Started by Hilary, October 14, 2012, 06:42:14 AM


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SpaceFest (banner image missing)

Oh no, a girly Spacefest submission!!!!

1 guitar, 1 vox, 1 tambourine, 1 bodyslap - enjoy x

Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


cool! - it has an early to mid sixties Brit Pop sound which I really love

Love your voice too.


I like this very much.  Yes I do.  Really great, good, fine, fun, fabulous.....and all that.

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


This is a fun song and great. nice lyrics superb storytelling
and loved ur harmony type effect with uh ho ..funny i was
watching all about area 451 and today they still will not
admit toanything. .. if nothing is being hid why wont they
let people in? . either way great listen congrat s NEIL.!