Running Back to you. .Original Rock Song. by Neil. cp 2012

Started by SwanSong, October 10, 2012, 01:05:36 PM


Running back to You . Original by Neil cp 2012 BMI
Hi all.
Was working on another project for haloween . and this came
to my head and had to record it. on my korg that is patched
with the casio as i was told to try and working well. this song
is open for any vox or other idea s hope you all enjoy this  a
nice 60 s feel of rock n roll i strived for.

Some lyrics i have tried to develop are

Running back to you
repeat 3x
Running back to you
love can be so blue
Running back to you
love can be so true.

hOLD you in my arms
with all your lovely charm
holdu in my arms.


Hey Swansong -
Fun little piece this - very enjoyable.
Boss BR-1600


A real authentic 60s type rocker.
And I should know,I was there !

Nice one Neil.


Thanks Bruno and Snow pig. appreciate your comments
glad u enjoyed it  cheers NEIL.!

Lounging McCoy

Hi Neil, nice summery 60's rock/pop feel to this. It kinda reminds me of the Beachboys or Jan and Dean. All good stuff...........Willie
Boss BR-800


Thanks all so kindly for the gracioius
feedback . have a great weekend NEIL.!

Gu Djin

Cool 60's vibe for sure.  I hear echoes of songs.  but my memories not as sharp as it should be.  Maybe 'cos I was there as well.

Nice and fun stuff.  and I hope your halloween stuff turns out ok

Guild Starfire 5, Fender Telecaster, Fender Stratocaster, K Yairi and Walden and a 12 Stagg string acoustic guitar and other music making boxes - including mandolin, bouzouki and 5 string banjo, uke and acoustic bass - a few M-Audio keyboards and a flute - all played and treated with equal love and attention - zoom ut 2 pedal and Logic Pro X


Hi and thanks all so kindly...its an honor to see
all the downloads. that  all are enjoying cheers.
and wishing all the best NEIL.!