One Step Ahead of Mr. Law Man

Started by Lounging McCoy, October 10, 2012, 12:54:37 PM

Lounging McCoy

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Here's my first song submission.  This is the first song I recorded with my new audio interface and SM57.  Before I was using a USB mic plugged directly into my computer.

One Step Ahead of Mr. Law Man
© 2012 H. Owen

(verse 1)
Got to keep movin'
I can't stop
I know I've been bad
What a weekend
I won't forget it
The stuff of legend, the best time that I've ever had
Got my eyes straight down the road
Now there's only one goal
I know some sweet love's waitin' on me

No alibi
No excuses
The feeling's so intense
One step ahead of Mr. Law Man
He wants to lock me away for good
I have no defense

(verse 2)
I see a storm brewin'
Doesn't matter
I'm pressin' on
My motor's screamin'
My heart is pounding
I'm movin' fast, I'm running 'til my strength is gone
Gotta get back to my girl
She's the best one in the whole world
She loves me no matter what I've done


(verse 3)
I missed the roadblock
I got lucky
Back on my way
No time to think
No time to eat
No time to sleep, I'll save it for another day
Just a few more miles and then
I'll be in Baby's arms again
There ain't nothin' gonna stand in my way




HI and welcome to the forum.  really nice kind of punk or metal sound
and perfect vox for this. sorry if im wrong on gender but just my out
look either way worth a comment great start NEIL.!


Welcome to songcrafters Hank!

And what a great way to introduce yourself. And you've only played guitar for less than a year ??? ???  WOW you're a fast learner. This is really tight and the production is stellar too. How do you record your guitar?
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........


That's pure rock, Hank! Great tune and performing! Loved the real good guitar tone!!

Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR

Lounging McCoy

Thanks everyone.

I try to write Stoner Rock, but most people say it sounds like Punk.  Stoner Punk maybe?  Have I created a new genre?  lol

My guitar setup on this one is an Epiphone Les Paul 100, Boss DS-1 pedal, and my Vox amp.  To record it I just mic'd the amp with an SM57, run it through my M-Audio Fast Track Pro, and record to Ableton.  The only adjustment I made to the rhythm guitar was to EQ out some buzz.  I added some Chorus to the solo in Ableton.

Hi and welcome, great post. The guitar tones give it a punky feel but it definitely rocks............Willie
Boss BR-800


Yes, this has super edge! Cool tune and I love the vibe!

Hope to see you put up additional tunes - We need more of your kind around here!


"Now where did I put my stream of thought. But hey, fc*K it!!!!!!! -Mokbul"
Boss Micro BR

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Pretty damn good for your first recording and you're new to playing guitar... Great Job. Good timing and cool lyrics. Very punky and edgy. Looking forward to more of your tunes.

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Adobe Audition
Boss Micro BR