When two hearts Abide. Original music by Neil.Swanson..cp2012.

Started by SwanSong, September 21, 2012, 10:44:11 AM


When two hearts Abide...Origianl Music by Neil Swanson cp 2012
Hi all..i kinda figured it was time to tap the sound s off my korg again
with a live feed as big brother would say ..wanted to do a laid back
song , for those wishing to hear soft easy elevator music. and comfort
their loved one s with this song. hope u like it cheers NEIL.!

This song is open to all lyric writers and singers thanks !


hey swan, i've always appreciated your comments and encouragements, and tried to find a way to repay. i hope this is it. i wrote the lyrics and sang and did a short lead guitar solo. from an "elevator song" to a sad love song. i did this in maybe an hour. vox ain't great but if sung the same way by a better singer i think it would be great!

when 2 hearts - music by swansong, lyrics by phantasm777
                                   when 2 hearts words by phantasm777, music by swansong

when you told me that we were through
i was blown away, yet i knew
somewhere, someplace, she is, and i wonder
someday, some way, i'll find her, i'll find her

when 2 hearts abide as 1, it's love
such a shame when they must part
when 2 hearts love as 1, in the night
i sit and think of the wrongs i could have right

but now i see, reluctantly, that it's over
no one, nothing can fix what is done
oh i tried as hard as i could

when 2 hearts abide as 1, for life
something we all strive for

when 2 hearts abide as one


Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........


Yeah cool collab guys - Frank it's great to hear you do a slow love song :)
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


HI Haylie and Gear thanksso kindly very pleasant suprise fROM Frank
geez now i know his first name. thanks Haylie.we all appreciate the
feedback cheers and keep rocking......NEIL.!


i ran across this in the afternoon and started singing random words just to go with a medley i was sponateously thinking of. after the first 2 verses i then wrote down better words.
the setting and sound of the music could have gone off as elevator music, but i saw a subtle but strong sorrow in it. so i associated that feeling to the lyric melodyline breaking the song down into parts and singing along with a part, untill i got a good melodyline throughout.
the lyrcis were easy as all i had to do was write about a very loved - lost love. i seem to do some of my best stuff not sitting around thinking about it, but just going off and doing it, persistantly as if there are no obstacles.


hi Frank again thanks so much , if u wish to make the song downloadable feel
free 2. but that s ur call. again a great honor. thanks for the suprise and
a new beauty to the song. cheers NEIL.!


with all due respect, and especially with my lyric content. i think this is more a song women would appreciate and we don;t have that many women here.


neil. you should put on here there is a remix with vox. maybe for some this got lost in the shuffle.


hi Frank will try to later and see if i can modify this post..by the way for anyone
interested this song of our s hit number one on soundclick country song.s of
all genders something told me to try that gender. and it prooved well. i will
'at a later time try posting to pop as Frank has suggested to me also  cheers
and thanks all !