Blues Bro Take 3....

Started by tafka, February 02, 2009, 11:09:46 AM


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i was going to use clean tone but Mike (Forte8) played a great version so i went for sustain instead.

tony J.
and if the sun should fail to rise against my
shoulders one last time...


Majestic playing, a towering version.  A wall of tone.  I have a queation Tony, how do You prepare for something like this, do you plan or think about what you are going to play at all, or just plug in and let er rip.  How much preparation?  What are you thinking about when playing, are you thinking about position, root notes, notes in the chord you are playing against?  Questions that came to me listening to this wonderfull take.  I hope you don't mind my asking.  I am going to give it a go when I get off work tonight (about 5 hours from now), so keep an eye out guys.  I just have to decide if I use my Les Paul Classic or Am Strat.  Probably the strat for something a little different from these big humbucker takes so far.

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


i usually play along with the backer using a clean tone with no effect.
Then  play follow the leader with the bassist. Then its root notes and the Blues Scale.
If you are going to use a Strat it would be interesting to hear you change pickups. If you want to put the work in this backer is ideal for dueling clean tones...neck pickup/bridge pickup. Or maybe good cop (Strat/clean) bad cop (LP dirty) just a thought.
I used a PRS-SAS on this one.

Tony J.
and if the sun should fail to rise against my
shoulders one last time...


one other thing....i use .008 guage Ernie Ball Strings.
makes for easier bending and all round playing.
they also help if the guitar has a slightly high action.

Tony J
and if the sun should fail to rise against my
shoulders one last time...